statcast_pitchers - QMIND-Team/Sabermetrics GitHub Wiki
start_day: First day in query range
Format: String, YYYY-MM-DD
last_day: Last day in query range
Format: String, YYYY-MM-DD
playerID: MLBAM player ID
Format: Integer
pitch_type: Type of pitch (Fastball, Slider etc) in 2 letter code (Ex. FT = Two seam fastball)
game_date: date game took place
release_speed: velocity out of pitcher's hand
release_pos_x, release_pos_z, release_pos_y: coordinates of pitch out of pitcher's hand
player_name: name of player
batter: MLBAM batter ID
pitcher: MLBAM pitcher ID
events: String of outcome, null if ball or strike or foul, Ex. single, double, walk, strikeout, field_out
description: more detailed version of events, includes balls and strikes
spin_dir: deprecated, always null for most years
spin_rate_deprecated: deprecated, always null for most years
break_angle_deprecated: deprecated, always null for most years
break_length_deprecated: deprecated, always null for most years
zone: MLBAM Gameday strike zone position, numbered 1-14
des: Even more detailed version of description, but only on hits, strikeouts and walks
game_type: 1-letter code for regular season, preseason, playoffs
stand: L or R batter stance
p_throws: pitcher throwing arm
home_team: 3-letter code for home team name
away_team: 3-letter code for away team name
type: S for strike, B for ball, X for event
hit_location: Hits = fielding position hit to, Strikeout = 2(catcher), anything else = Null
bb_type: Type of hit (Ex. fly_ball, ground_ball, line_drive)
balls: count of balls before the pitch
strikes: count of strikes before the pitch
pfx_x, pfx_z: distance traveled by the pitch from hand to plate in 2 dimensions
plate_x, plate_z: location of pitch on the plate as it enters the strikezone
on_3b, on_2B, on_3B: MLBAM ID of baserunner on 1st, 2nd and 3rd
outs_when_up: Current number of outs during the pitch
hc_x, hc_y: location of where a ball was picked up by a fielder or hit out of play
tfs_deprecated: deprecated, null for most years
tfs_zulu_deprecated: deprecated, null for most years
umpire: not populated correctly, null for most years
sv_id: timestamp of when the pitch was thrown
vx0, vy0, vz0: velocity of pitch in 3 dimensions from the 1st point it was measured
ax, ay, az: acceleration of pitch in 3 dimensions from the 1st point it was measured
sz_top: height from the ground to the top of the strikezone
sz_bot: height from the ground to the bottom of the strikezone
hit_distance_sc: distance ball went from the hitter's bat
launch_speed: velocity of the ball off the hitter's bat
launch_angle: angle of the ball off the hitter's bat
effective_speed: Speed perceived by batter, calculated using velocity, spin and extension
release_spin_rate: Spin of the ball from the pitcher's hand
release_extension: Distance from release point to the center of the pitching rubber
game_pk: MLBAM ID of game
pitcher.1: MLBAM ID of pitcher
fielder.2-9: MLBAM IDs of fielders
estimated_ba_using_speedangle: Likelihood a batted ball will be a hit
estimated_woba_using_speedangle: Estimated number of runs a batted ball will score
woba_value: Value of runs a play is worth
woba_denom: Considers whether a play should be added into woba calculations, most often = 1
babip_value: 1 if ball is in play, 0 otherwise
iso_value: Number of extra bases recorded on a hit
launch_speed_angle: classifies a hit by contact made, 1 being poor, 6 being a Barrel hit
at_bat_number: Order of batters, each team has their own at bat number
pitch_number: pitch number of the current at bat
pitch_name: String of the actual pitch name (Ex. 2-Seam Fastball)
home_score: Current score of the home team
away_score: Current score of the away team
bat_score: Current score of the batting team
fld_score: Current score of the fielding team
post_away_score: Score of away team after the pitch
post_home_score: Score of home team after the pitch
post_bat_score: Score of batting team after the pitch
post_fld_score: Score of fielding team after the pitch
if_fielding_alignment: String representing the alignment of the infield (Ex. Standard, Strategic, Shifted)
of_fielding_alignment: String representing the alignment of the outfield (Ex. Standard, Strategic, Shifted)