Project Naming Conventions - QMIND-Team/Sabermetrics GitHub Wiki

  • Use snake_case for file names and camelCase for function and variable names.
  • Use PascalCase for object instances and class names
  • Use the form test_test_name for testing functions
  • Variable names should make an attempt to indicate datatype for eg. statsDF for a DataFrame containing stats and nameList for a list containing names.
  • Import pybaseball as bball, numpy as np, and pandas as pd.
  • Use nameDF in general for DataFrames
  • If the DataFrame is a parameter or doesn't need a name then use df.
  • Use row(s) and column(s) if the words appear by themselves and colName, rowNumber, etc. otherwise.
  • Use dateRange whenever ['yyyy-mm-dd','yyyy-mm-dd'] is used.
  • Import data_query as dq, data_cleaning as dc, etc.