On the Shoulders of Giants - QL-Win/QuickLook GitHub Wiki

QuickLook is standing on shoulders of several open-source libraries, named

  • AvalonEdit: the WPF-based text editor component used in SharpDevelop
  • CsvHelper: reading and writing CSV files. Extremely fast, flexible and easy to use
  • Exiv2: C++ metadata library and tools for Exif, IPTC & XMP metadata and ICC Profile
  • FFmpeg: a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
  • FFME: WPF MediaElement replacement based on FFmpeg
  • github-markdown-css: the minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
  • libVLC: a media framework can be embedded into an application to get multimedia capabilities
  • ImageMagick: convert, edit, or compose bitmap images
  • JQuery Automatic Table of Contents, generate ToC from Html tags on the fly
  • Magick.NET: the .NET wrapper for the ImageMagick library
  • markdown-it: markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
  • Meta.Vlc: Meta.Vlc is a LibVlc wrapper for WPF
  • MSGReader: C# Outlook MSG file reader without the need for Outlook
  • PDFium: A fast PDF renderer by Google
  • PDFiumSharp: .NET wrapper around Google's PDFium library
  • PreviewHandlerHost: IPreviewHandler Revisited
  • SharpCompress: a fully managed C# library to deal with many compression types and formats
  • Sumatra PDF: a PDF, ePub, MOBI, CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ, CBR reader for Windows
  • ICSharpCode.TextEditor-Lexers: a compilation of XSHD syntax files for ICSharpCode.TextEditor 3.2
  • UTF-unknown: charset detector build in C# - .NET standard 1.0 & .NET 4+
  • WiX: the most powerful set of tools available to create your Windows installation experience
  • WpfWebBrowserWrapper: a better WPF-Browser-Control (IE-Wrapper)
  • BytecodeApi.PEParser: BytecodeApi.PEParser is a Library for PE file parsing
  • CsIcnsReader: C# implementation of reader of the .ICNS file format, which is OS X icon format (used as replacement of the Windows .ICO)