Available Plugins - QL-Win/QuickLook GitHub Wiki

List of plugins

Plugin Last Update DL Description
EpubViewer v1 2018-09-02 Link View .epub ebooks
OfficeViewer v5 2024-12-11 Link View Office formats without installing MS Office
OfficeViewer-Native v1 2019-03-30 Link View Office formats when you have MS Office/WPS Office installed (Use at your own risk, see *1 below)
HelixViewer v1.0.1-beta 2018-10-24 Link A plugin for viewing 3D models, supports .stl, .obj, .3ds, .lwo & .ply
FontViewer v1.0.0 2018-10-23 Link A plugin for viewing font files, supports .otf & .ttf ‼️Doesn't work with QL 3.7 atm‼️
ShapefileViewer v1.0.1 2019-01-12 Link Preview ESRI .shp Shapefiles
PostScriptViewer v1 2020-05-10 Link Preview PostScript .ps and .eps files
ApkViewer v1.3.5 2023-01-15 Link Preview Android package .apk
FitsViewer v1.0 2024-01-12 Link Preview astrophotography FITS image (.fits, .fit)
FolderViewer v1.2 2021-01-04 Link Preview content inside folders
TorrentViewer v0.2.0 2023-04-11 Link Preview torrent file
JupyterNotebookViewer v1.0 2022-05-26 Link Preview .ipynb file
GraphvizDotViewer v1.0.0 2022-05-29 Link Preview .dot file
XMindViewer-Thumbnail v1.0 2022-05-29 Link Preview .xmind file
KritaVirwer-MergedImage v1.0 2022-05-31 Link Preview .kra file
CorelDrawViewer-Thumbnail v1.0 2022-06-03 Link Preview .cdr file
DDSViewer v1.0 2022-06-05 Link Preview .dds file
AsepriteViewer v1.0.2 2022-10-17 Link Preview .ase and .aseprite files
WebViewPlus v1.5.2 2024-8-21 Link Preview various file types using WebView2 engine. Details here. Note: Slighlty higher resource usage ‼️Doesn't work with QL 3.7 atm‼️
PlantUMLViewer v1.1.0 2024-09-26 Link Preview PlantUML file formats, like .pu, .puml, .plantuml, .wsd and .iuml, and support dark mode
TorrentViewer v1.0.3 2024-06-21 Link Preview .torrent file
XMindThumbnailViewer v1.0.0 2024-07-13 Link Preview .xmind file, and support dark mode
DrawIOViewer v1.0.0 2024-07-30 Link Preview .drawio file, and support dark mode
MarkmapViewer v1.0.0 2024-08-09 Link Preview markmap file formats, like .markmap, .mm, .mm.md, .mm.rmd, .mm.markdown, and support dark mode
FigmaThumbnailViewer v1.0.0 2024-09-24 Link Preview figma file formats, like .fig and support dark mode
TrialOfficeViewer v5 trial 2024-12-09 Link Trial to view Office formats without installing MS Office

*1: Native installation only. Office 365 installed from Windows Store is not supported by this plugin. This plugin is not stable, meaning it may or may not work for you. We recommend using another Office plugin.

If you have developed a new plugin, feel free to add it here.

How to install or upgrade a plugin

  1. Download the plugin in .qlplugin format.
  2. Ensure QuickLook is currently running, select the file and press Spacebar.
  3. Click on the Install button, then restart QuickLook.


  1. You could also just unzip the .qlplugin file into the QuickLook.Plugin directory inside your install directory.
  2. Upgrading is the same procedure as installing

How to remove a plugin

  1. Quit QuickLook.
  2. Navigate to the data location.
  3. You should find several folders. Remove the one you do not want to use.

How to develop a new plugin

See Integration and Development

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