Short Meeting 2019 01 29 after QGIS GV in Bern - QGEP/QGEP GitHub Wiki
Time: 12:20 - 14:00
Place: Place: Berne (UniS)
Present: Matthias Kuhn (OpenGIS) (MK), Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Daniel Hollenweger (Triform SA) (DH), Valentine Arrieta (Géoconseils SA) (VA)
Priority Candidates
Discussion ofProposals, new labels etc. see directly in each issue
Discussed: [issue xxx; MK estimation [d]; short description]
Bugfixes by MK (Backlog):
- Linking picture not working on newly created reaches #392
- Error when digitize a detailed geometry #454
- Delete channel when last reach is deleted #466 ;; instead of 143
- Reaches do not connect to wastewater_nodes #443 ; 2; port wizard from QGIS 2 to 3
- Length profile not correct #464;;
- Translation of project file #408;;
Codesprint March 2019
- Reaches aggregation for cleaning and inspection management #465;;
On hold (Icebox)
- Issue with od_file index #433;;
- Labels in vw_qgep_wastewater_structure #356;;lower priority, should be fixed
Closed / out of scope
Not discussed: