Meeting 2016 10 24 - QGEP/QGEP GitHub Wiki

Meeting Monday, October 24th, 2016

Time: 9:30 to 12:30 Place: Colombier (Geoconseils SA). The office is 2 minutes away from the train station. Trains arrive 9:18 from Lausanne and Neuchatel / Bern / Zürich

Present: DR, MK, ML (Geoconseils sa), MT (Prilly), SB, UK, VA (Geoconseils sa) Excused: AN, KF, OS (not working for KF anymore), RM, DG (Vevey), Andreas Vonlaufen (Uster), Stéphane Perret (Lausanne)


Main focus

  • Follow up on defined priorities till end of year


  • Protocol updated from [last meeting] (
  • The Swiss QGIS association was present at the [Journée SIT VD] (, October 4th, 2016. Photos and the presentations are available online. A total of about 270 participants joined. The interest for QGIS was generally big. If this raises the number of members is to be seen. Qwat and various modules from cities in the french speaking part of Switzerland were presented on slides. RM sent them to AN to publish on the [qgis Homepage] ( [Impression on Twitter] (
  • had also a booth
  • Module Assainissement / QGEP / Esquisse du potential de collaboration - Meeting in Pully with members of SIGE, 13.9.2016 afternoon - feedback and results (DR, MK, KF)
  • Meeting with Oslandia towards the end of 2016. 2 meetings (organisational/technical). SB: prepare an agenda with points (membership in QGEP (qwat per community or together), generic network base module, communication channel, subgroups, focus on swiss GEP, attribution/ownership of project). Suggested participants: DR, MK, KF, RM, SB, VA
  • Interviews about Opensource software - Example Development QGEP with SB (Severin Grüring, University of Berne) and KF (xx, University of Berne), Bachelor thesis with [Dr. Matthias Stürmer] (
  • Bachelor project ETH Zürich with QGEP - who can support with sewer network data? (Fire brigade app or REBEKKA II simplification). Geoconseils could join in with 2-3 networks
  • Update on KTI project (SB) - Handing in either mid november or mid January 2017. Trying to find 4th partner (e.g. building insurance or company interested in TV inspection tool)
  • Contact to GEPView customers and waste water associations (SB) - Engineering company from canton Tessin intersted (Italien version). Canton Jura (Canaview) will needs an update - check whether QGEP is an option.

Upcoming events:

Technical updates on:

  • Main focus for development of the last 2 months were:
    • Improvements in forms (Sponsored by Zug) - see [QGIS 2.18 Changelog Forms and Widgets] ( Possibility to hide tabs of subforms, if element is not this subclass. New functionality for default field values e.g. reach length
    • Introduction of curves (Updated datamodel and demoproject) - please update to 2.18 and download latest version. Adapted all migration scripts from INTERLIS1 to support curves in polygones.
    • New tool for catchment digitizing: [#215] ( [Suggested improvement to connect several catchments at once #236] (
    • Handling of default values: [#47] ( - fixed in 2.16. ID is created allready when opening the form when digitizing so that relations to connected classes (e.g. cover etc.) can be added before first saving and reopening the form (vw_qgep_*)
    • Updated project dump - new name for vw_qgep_cover to vw_qgep_wastewater_structure, dataowner -> fk_dataowner, New QGIS 2.18 Las Palmas required for the project [#234] ( - new internal relation to define a main cover, so that selecting a wastewater structure also selects this main cover.
    • Connect cover [#223] ( - new solution (MK), screenshot on how to add additional covers with digitizing.
    • 2D / 3D coordinates - how to progress [#232] ( (SB, MK) - going toward 3D geometry where we have 2D and 3D from the VSA-DSS datamodell.
    • [User documentation] ( and German translation (by FischerIng - 100% thanks a lot) and French translation (by Geoconseils SA - about 60% done)
  • Demo project: Needs QGIS 2.18 (Developer version to run without warnings)
  • Adapt VSA-KEK: [missing od_file misses references to data_media] ( Integrate VSA-KEK fix also in updated VSA-KEK model release.
  • [and more in closed issues] (
  • INTERLIS import / export - configuring to have SIA405 Abwasser besides VSA-DSS
  • Project generator for QGEP and qwat (MK) - prototype planned for Q4 2016 / Q1 2017 - update on development (MK): Contacts with interested cantons (first meeting), next meeting planned to specify details. QGEP should participate with multilingual support (not needed at cantons right now)
  • QGIS further development: Version 2.14 was the last longterm release. From 2.16 on their are two branches: 2.18 will be the last release of version 2 series. 3.0 will be the new version 3 planned for Spring 2017. New features will be coded in QGIS 3. For QGEP there will be code updates needed to comply with the new version 3. The QGIS 3.0 - PyQGIS Updater will help with this. TO DO: Budget some amount for 2017 for QGEP. Details to be defined in next meeting.
  • Check on status of amelioration model: Suissemelio has defined a data model for amelioration that goes beyond drainage pipes. Details can be found [here] (, especially [GIS - Stand des Projektes (Anton Stübi, BLW)] ( and [Daten- u. Darstellungsmodell DDM Strukturverbesserungen_GIS-Services BLW (Wilhelm Riedo und Anton Stübi, BLW)] ( An updated datamodell was agreed on in May 2015 and pilot implementation with cantons was done in 2015/2016.

Next meeting:

[Monday, January 16th, 2017] (, 9:30 Holinger, Thun - UK please reserve meeting room