Information Gathering Vijayalakshmi [1750] - Q-division-2020-2021-even/Repo-13 GitHub Wiki

Sl.No Link address List the products features, what all it does (DO NOT PASTE. Write in own words) Mechanical components Electronic components
01 Car Wiping Machine is a Mini Cleaning Machine which is used to clean a Car. Here, the DC motor is a device which converts Electrical energy into Mechanical energy. Switch is a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit. Battery is a power source consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with external connections.This Project helps to remove the dust and clean the Car-surface or Vehicles. 1.Pipe 2.Hot Glue Gun 3.CD 4.Sponge 1.DC Motor 2.ON/OFF Switch 3.Battery

Q1: List the similarities between the information you gathered with that of your friends?

The information in which we gathered, we can observe the many similarities. There are similar electrical components used like DC Motor, Switches, Battery etc., and also all these projects are based on Mechanical output.

Q2: What new information do you learn from this team discussion?

This team discussion helped me to solve my confusions which I was having before the team discussion. From this team discussion I got to know that everyone of us had different ideas for the project. From this discussion we can distribute the work among everybody and also helps us to manage the time with proper planning.