0.Gathering Pertinent Information. - Q-division-2020-2021-even/Repo-06 GitHub Wiki


TASK 1-Result table for individual work for student


SI.NO Link address Product features Mechanical components Electronic components
1 WEBSITE LINK:https://learn.adafruit.com/midi-solenoid-drum-kit/ https://youtu.be/dhKYxDzyXqI MIDI SOLENOID DRUM KIT:- It is a drum set robot which can be designed to play certain instruments in a drum set.It is made by using 12v solenoid and 3d printer parts. Adafruit Feather M4 and ULN2803A darlington driver are used to code the drum set platform used to code it circuit python. We can make our own tune by programing it. Largepush-pull solenoid, Wire Cable, Toggle Switch, Pin DIP Socket, Slim T-Nuts, Remo Drum Pad, Small Cymbals, M4 Machine Screw, 2020 Extrusion, Toggle Switch, JST PH 2-Pin Cable, Feather Header Kit Adafruit Feather M4 Express - Featuring ATSAMD51, Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB - Single, ULN2803: 8 Channel Darlington Driver (Solenoid/Unipolar Stepper), 18 Pin DIP Socket, 2.1mm DC Plug, DC barrel jack, 12V 5A Power supply, DC barrel jack, 2.1mm DC Plug
2 https://learn.adafruit.com/robotic-xylophone-with-circuit-python/ https://youtu.be/pl2HLWOYdqk ROBOTIC XYLOPHONE:- It is a robotic musician which uses miniature solenoids to tap out melodies on a toy xylophone. The Adafruit Grand Central M4 controls each of the eight solenoids using CircuitPython, one of the fastest growing programming languages, specifically designed to simplify experimenting and learning. Xylophone, Wire strippers, Laser cutter, acrylic Adafruit Grand Central M4 Express featuring the SAMD51, Mega protoshield for Arduino, Mini Push-Pull Solenoid - 5V, N-channel power MOSFET, 1N4001 Diode, 5V 2A (2000mA) switching, power supply - UL Listed, JST-PH Battery Extension Cable - 500mm, USB cable - USB A to Micro-B, Premium Male/Male Jumper Wires - 20 x 3" (75mm), Hook-up Wire Spool Set - 22AWG Solid Core - 6 x 25 ft, Female DC Power adapter - 2.1mm jack to screw terminal block



MIDI SOLENOID DRUM KIT(circuit diagram):


ROBOTIC XYLOPHONE(circuit diagram):

Q1: List the similarities between the information you gathered with that of your friends?


  • The musical instrument that we chose was mnaracas.But all of us didn't find any existing robot playing that instrument. So we all presented the robot playing other musical instruments and tried to extract the ideas from these musical instruments and apply it to our robot which is playing maracas.
  • There were lots of similarities between our teammates in gathering information. We all showed the robots which were connected to coding in one way or the other.
  • Arduino was one main component which were common in all the robots shown by our teammates.
  • The drum stick robot shown by Prasad P Kalgutkar and me were similar in function the only think it that it was a big prototype. it also used movement of arms to beat the drum as the same in solenoid drum stick robot.
  • Coding was essential for all the robots that were presented.

Q2: What new information you learn from this team discussion?


  • I got to know certain new things like the robot that pratham presented could make its own tunes according to the song playing it was quite interesting.
  • Prasad showcased the paper piano robot which worked by just touching the paper.(touch sensitive)
  • At last we discussed how to convert these robots into robot playing maracas. We got some new ideas like we can use robotic arms which hold maracas and movement of robot arms can be done coding in arduino. By some sequential movement of the robotic arm we can play maracas. We can also use vibrators in robot arms to make some tunes. These were all the new ideas we discussed at last of our presentation.


SI.NO Link address Product features Mechanical components Electronic components
1 https://youtu.be/EzjkBwZtxp4 ROBOT VIOLINIST! This robot was introduced to the world by the company Toyota.This robot can play violin on its own.This robot was introduced in the year 2010 Violine,Motors,wheel ,Servo motor,etc Arduino UNO,L E D,BATTERY,SWITCHES,RESISTORS,SENSORS,etc
2 https://youtu.be/ruG0RkZh97w THE ROBOTIC ROCKSTAR ! This is one of the special robot which can sing and play instruments simultaneously! It can compose new melodies and diffren types of beats too! This Bot was built by the company Georgia Tech lead by professor GIL WEINBERG.Initially the bot was designed to play Marimba then it was developed to sing songs too! Motors,musical instruments,switches,batteries etc Arduino UNO ,L E D,BATTERY,SWITCHES,RESISTORS,SENSORS,MEMORY CHIPS TO STORE MUSIC AND TUNES AS IT IS A SPECIAL ROBOT IT IS HARD TO MENTION ALL THE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONIC PARTS




Task 03-Reflection: Each student shall answer the two questions

Student 02: Answer the two questions

Q1: List the similarities between the information you gathered with that of your friends?

ANSWER: We all were supposed to gather information about the robot which can play maracas. But we couldn’t find any such robots,so we all gathered information about the robots which can be modified to play maracas. The main similarity between our robots was the mechanism and the working. All of our robots were mainly dealing with the movement of the arm and play the instrument

Arduino uno was one of the most used components in all our robots.

Q2: What new information you learn from this team discussion?

ANSWER: We got to know the different ideas to modify the existing robot to play maracas.

Prasad Kalgutkar , Roll no :1766

SL.No Link Address Product Features Mechanical Components Electronic Components
1 https://youtu.be/LPc7RGaqM6M Paper Piano with Arduino:-This is a simple project using an Arduino, a drawn keyboard using lead pencil, a paper, and a speaker. arduino , wire , cardboard , wire stripper , wire cutter , glue gun , paper clip , pencil Male-to-male jumper wire , Bread board , Arduino Uno board , Resistor 1M ohm , speaker
2 https://youtu.be/fKryPingtww Robotic Drum Kit;- This Arduino powered robotic drum kit never slows down or sleeps up . Randofo from instructables has modified his entire drum kit so that it can be controlled over USB on computer. Drumset and drum-sticks , wire , computer , nuts and bolts , threaded pipe, plywood sheet Arduino Uno , H-bridge motor driver , 7 port USB hub , Arduino motor shield

circuit diagram

Paper Piano

Musical bot

Robotic Drum Kit

Q1: List the similarities between the information you gathered with that of your friends? ;- the information gathered by me and my friend is some what similar . In both cases arduino UNO was used to make the drum play. The electric components used by me and my friends are all most similar .

Q2: What new information you learn from this team discussion? ; My team was allotted to do a maracas robot . but we faced problems to search in internet. in this team discussion we learnt how to construct a robot so that it can hold a maracas and how a robot can play it . the suggestion given by my friend of using the vibrator to play the maracus helped me to create a new idea in my mind

Name:-Saish shet,roll no:-1753

Screenshot (22)

Reference link:-https://youtu.be/3g1P_2p0MvY

Screenshot (24)

Reference link:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_U8TJomhsg

Screenshot (25)

Name:-Rohit Shet , Roll No:-1749

SI.NO Link address Product features Mechanical components Electronic components
1 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/benoitdr/xmas-musical-robot-e3f5d5 https://youtu.be/BT0-FGpu_7M Xmas Musical Robot:- This robot plays only Xmas music by using a buzzer. It is made to play music by writing specific programs. Wheel, Cardboard ,Wire ,Wire Stripper ,Solder Gun ,Solder Stand Solder flux ,Solder lead Arduino UNO ,Buzzer ,Resistor 221 ohm ,RGB diffused Common cathode ,9V Battery ,Sparkfun Pushbutton switch 12mm
2 https://youtu.be/p20HpGp5IH4 Guitar robot:- This robot is designed to play Guitar instrument with the help of Auridon. This robot has 3 modes of operation 1.Sequence 2.Random sequence 3.Random sequence and time between strokes. It has speed control feature Guitar ,Cardboard ,Wires ,Wire Stripper ,Solder Gun ,Solder Stand ,Solder flux ,Solder lead Arduino ,Resistor ,Battery ,Transistor ,Pushbutton Switch ,Motor ,L.E.D

Xmas Musical Robot

Xmas Musical Robot


If Image is not showing Click Here

Guitar Robot

If Image is not showing Click Here

Q1: List the similarities between the information you gathered with that of your friends?

● I think my teammate Pratham and I gathered the similar information

● According to me Guitar Robot & Robot violinist are of similar function they both uses motors to play instrument

● And with other teammates I found that mechanical & electrical components used are similar.

● I think most of all our robots include programming and Arudino.

Q2: What new information you learn from this team discussion?

● I get to know information collected by my teammates.

● And we discussed our problem statement on how to modify these robots and my teammates shared their ideas and me discussed my idea.

● I get to know what are basic steps to build robots, What are components we need to use.