ED4 PUGH CHART - Q-division-2020-2021-even/Repo-05 GitHub Wiki


TASK 1: Assign weights to the objectives.

Safety Weights
Safety 7
Ease ofuse 6
Portability 5
Use of standard parts 4
Cost 6

TASK 2: Write PUGH chart for the alternative designs.

Design Objectives Weights Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
Safety 7 Datum - 0 +
Ease of use 6 Datum - 0 -
Portability 5 Datum 0 - +
Use of standard parts 4 Datum - 0 0
Cost 6 Datum - + --
Score (+) 0 0 6 12
Score (-) 0 23 5 18
Total 0 -23 1 -6

TASK 3: Justification for the scores given.

Design No. Objective Score Allocated Justification for the score.
1 Safety Datum -
Ease of use Datum -
Portability Datum -
Use of standard parts Datum -
Cost Datum -
2 Safety -7 Heavy metal finger might damage the keys.
Ease of use -6 Complex design not user friendly.
Portability 0 Same as Datum
Use of standard parts -4 Not easily available in market.
Cost -6 Expensive part make it costly.
3 Safety 0 Same as Datum
Ease of use 0 Same as Datum
Portability -5 It occupies more space .
Use of standard parts 0 Same as Datum
Cost 6 Components are cheap and can be easily purchased.
4 Safety 7 It's Box design make it safer to use.
Ease of use -6 Complex circuits.
Portability 5 Box design make easy to carry.
Use of standard parts 0 Same as Datum
Cost -12 Extra body cover parts are used.

Selected Concept Design