3. Concept Selection - Q-division-2020-2021-even/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

Task 1: Assign weights to the objectives

Objectives Weights
Protability 9
Safe to Play 8
Light Wieght 7
Low Cost 6
Water Resistance 5

Task 2:PUGH Chart

Design Objectives Weights Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
Protability 9 Datum ++ -- +
Safe to Play 8 Datum + ++ +
Light Wieght 7 Datum ++ -- -
Low Cost 6 Datum + + +
Water Resistance 5 Datum -- + +
Total 25 22 28

Task 3: Justification for the scores given

Design No objective score allocated Justification for the score
Protability (0) REFERENCE.
Safe to Play (0) REFERENCE.
Light Wieght (0) REFERENCE.
Low Cost (0) REFERENCE.
Water Resistance (0) REFERENCE .
Protability (++) Easy to move around
Safe to Play (+) No sharp objects used.
Light Wieght (++) Cardboard casing makes it light
Low Cost (+) Little costly
Water Resistance (--) Less water-resistance
Protability (--) Not easy to carry around
Safe to Play (++) Highly safe
Light Wieght (-) Little bit heavier than second design
Low Cost (+) Less costlier.
Water Resistance (+) Highly resistant
Protability (+) Little less portable than others
Safe to Play (+) Completely safe for kids
Light Wieght (-) Hard to move due to heavy weight.
Low Cost (+) Little costly
Water Resistance (-) Less water-resistant.

Task 4: Selected Design