2. Conceptual Design and Problem Architecture - Q-division-2020-2021-even/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

Identifying the Functions

Sl.No Functions from User Perspective Functions from Designer perspective
1 Controlling the game with a controller. Dinosaur will jump and bend.
2 Background in screen will move in the left direction.
3 Sound will be there as soon as the dinosaur hits the barrier.
4 Lights behind the screen for the illumination.
5 Score will be displayed using a screen
6 Reset the screen
7. Switching machine on and off
8. Outer body casing
9. Dinosaur will go down whenever it will hit the barrier.

Function Tree

Function Tree'

Morphological Chart

Subfunctions Means 1 Means 2 Means 3 Means 4 Unique or Not
Illuminated Screen LEDs
LEDs Radium Sheet 6V Small Bulb Small Flame Tip Tala LED Light Bulb Yes
Left moving background.
Servo Motor DC Motor Gears Servo Motor Yes
Machine ON/OFF
Switch Buttons MCB Key Yes
Movement of Dinosaur
Syringe Joystick Remote Thread Yes
Reset the Screen
Servo Motor Gears Servo Motor DC Motor No
Outer Body Casing
Cardboard Plastic Sheet Acrylic Sheet Thermocol Yes
Sounds Effects
Speaker Buzzer Buzzer Speaker No
Going down of dinosaur
Thread Rubberband Copper Wire Plastic Thread Yes

Product Designs

Design 1


Design 2


Design 3

Design 4


Function Clustering

Function CLuster

Product Architecture

Subsystem List

Sl. No. Subsystem List
1. Display Unit
2. Controller Unit
3. Indication Unit
4. Casing Unit

Interaction details between subsystems

Display Controller Indication Casing
Energy yes no yes
Data no yes no
Material yes no yes
Controller Display Indication Casing
Energy yes no yes
Data yes yes no
Material no no yes
Indication Controller Display Casing
Energy no yes yes
Data yes yes no
Material yes no yes
Casing Controller Indication Display
Energy yes no yes
Data yes yes yes
Material yes no yes