0a. Gathering Pertinent Information(All team members) - Q-division-2020-2021-even/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

Roll No: 1703

Sl.No Link address Product Name Product Information Mechanical components Electronic components
01 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/silicon-ripley-10/distance-measurement-using-ultrasonic-sensor-and-arduino-9bacd4?ref=search&ref_id=distance&offset=1 Distance Measuring Sensor So the basic idea behind this project is to find the distance between the object and the sensor. The Sensor emits ultrasonic waves from one of its sensor and after reflecting back from the object the other sensor absorbs the waves it calculate the distance between the both and hence it is displayed on the LED screen Casing Arduino Uno R3 (mega) Ultrasonic sensor (model HC-SR04) Jumper wires (4pc) Breadboard
02 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/ben/temperature-controlled-rgb-led-6c8cdf?ref=search&ref_id=temperature&offset=1 Thermistor By supplying the heat to the thermistor the arduino detects it and apparently the led turns red. Casing Arduino Uno R3 (manga) resistor 10k ohm Jumper wires (4pc) Breadboard thermistor resistor 330 ohm

Distance Measuring Sensor


Roll No: 1709

Sl No. Link Product Name Product Information Mechanical Componenets Electrical Components
1. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/SRP888/dodge-the-defs-a3781a?ref=tag&ref_id=game&offset=1 Dodge the Defs It is a kind of football game in which we have to dodge the defender. A player will be assigned to us who will have the ball and the defenders will be approaching you one by one and you have to dodge them. After every successful dodge the next defender will come with increased speed and score will increase by a margin of 10 after every successful dodge. 1. Cardboard
1. Resistor 10k ohm
2. Resistor 1k ohm
3. Push Button
4. LCD Screen
5. Arduino UNO
6. Jumper Wires
2. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/MakerRobotics/arduino-memory-game-2a42f2?ref=tag&ref_id=game&offset=16 Arduino Memory game It is a memory testing game. In this an array of numbers is displayed and we have to print those numbers on the screen using the keypad. At first one number is displayed then another no will be displayed but in second time we have to add both the umber the one displayed earlier and the present one and this way it will continue. 1. Cardboard
2.Plastic Casing
1. Arduino Mega 2560
2. 7 Segment Display
3. Arduino Keypad 3x4
4. Mini Battery Diplay
5. Jumper Wires

Dodge the Defs

Arduino Memory Game

Roll No: 1710

Sl No. Link Product Name Product Information Mechanical Componenets Electrical Components
1 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/EvdS/led-dice-885cf1?ref=platform&ref_id=424_trending_part_beginner_&offset=2 LED Dice On pressing the button a random number between 1-6 appears and corresponding LEDs lit up. Arduino UNO(1)
Push Button(1)
Jumper Wires(1)
Resistor 1000 Ω(1)
Resistor 221 Ω(6)
2 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/nidhi17agarwal/catch-the-light-game-4e9a86?ref=platform&ref_id=424_trending_part_beginner_&offset=46 Catch the Light It's a multiplayer game.
1- One player will push two buttons to throw light from either direction.
2- Another player has to catch that light before reaching the final light using a Joystick.
Arduino UNO(1)
Red LED(4)
Blue LED(4)
Green LED(1)
Push Button(2)
Jumper Wires(20)
Resistor 10000 Ω(2)
Resistor 220 Ω(9)
Analog Joystick(1)

LED Dice

Catch the Light

Roll No: 1717

Sl. No Link Product Name Product Information Mechanical Components Electrical Components
1 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/Alojz/arduino-pocket-game-console-a-maze-maze-game-63c225?ref=similar&ref_id=42498&offset=3 Maze Game The game is an arduino maze game. It is a pocket console as capable as arduboy. In the game we need to navigate through the maze and come out of it in the given time limit .In this game we will be able to generate a new maze every time we level up in the game, so that mazes are not repeated in the game . 1.Sparkfun Arduino Pro Mini
2.Sparkfun Pushbutton Switch 12mm
3.Coin Cell Battery Holder
4. Slide Switch
5.Prototype pcb 4*6mm
2 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/mgbig/fast-ir-game-with-any-remote-control-a99153?ref=tag&ref_id=game&offset=5 IR Game The game is an IR game in which we have controls settled up. Everytime we hit a wrong key, the symbol goes to the other side of the screen or we hit the key while the symbol is behind a fence the score gets less. Otherwise the score goes up. 1.Arduino nano R3
2.Adafruit standard LCD
3.IR receiver
4.Jumper wires
5.Any remote control

Maze Game

maze game image

IR Game

IR game image

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