TASK 2: ARDUINO CODE - Q-Division-2019-2020-Even/Team-9 GitHub Wiki
#include <Servo.h>
int i;
int n=15;
int ledPin = 13; //LED to indicate completion of winding
int servoPin = 9; //Pin for servo motor 1
int servoPin = 8; //Pin for servo motor 2
int motorPin1 = 11; //Pin for DC motor
int motorPin2 = 12; //Pin for DC motor
Servo servo; // Create a servo object
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
Servo.attach(servoPin1); //We need to attach the servo to the used pin number
digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH); //Starting the DC motor with maximum speed in clockwise direction by which winding starts
digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
for (i =0; i <= n; i++)
Servo.write(60); //Linear motion of thread holder
Servo.write(120); //Servo motor 1 goes from 0 degree to 120 degrees and then back to 0 degree (to and fro motion)
delay(1500); //Wait for 1.5 seconds
delay(1500); //Wait for 1.5 seconds
Servo.detach(); //Stop servo motor 1 which stops linear motion
digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW); //Stop dc motor which stops winding
digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //Turn the LED on to indicate the completion of winding(HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(2000); //Wait for 2 second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); //Turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
Servo.attach(servoPin2); //We need to attach the servo to the used pin number
Servo.write(60); //Linear motion of cutter
Servo.write(120); //Servo motor 2 goes from 60 degree to 120 degrees and then back to 60 degree
delay(1500); //Wait for 1.5 seconds
delay(1500); //Wait for 1.5 seconds