3(a).CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Function Tree and Morphological Chart - Q-Division-2019-2020-Even/Team-9 GitHub Wiki


Function Tree

Clustering of Functions

Clustering of  Function Tree


Function Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean 3
Hold Thread Cone Shaped thread holdercone shaped thread holder PulleyPulley Spherical Shaped thread holderSpherical Shaped thread holder
Hold the Spool Bobbin RollerBobbin Roller Cylindrical Spool HolderCylindrical Spool Holder Bobbin spool HolderBobbin spool Holder
Indicate after completion Arduino buzzerArduino buzzer module LED lightLED light LED displayLED display
Switch on/off Mechanism Power on off buttonPower on off button Red switch on off buttonRed-switch-on-off-button Toggle SwitchToggle Switch
Cut the material ScissorScissor Ribbon CutterRibbon Cutter Rotary CutterRotary Cutter
Rotate the Spool DC motordc motor Brushless dc motorBrushless dc motor Stepper motorstepper motor