How to migrate from an older version of PP (before 2.x.x) to version PP 2.x.x - Puzzlepart/prosjektportalen GitHub Wiki
Before you start, you should do the following
Create an Excel sheet to keep an overview of the projects and content you want to migrate
Identify the projects you want to migrate from a previous version
Identify the content of the projects you want to migrate (this will save time, in many cases only a few lists/libraries are being used)
The migration approach
Create a new site collection for the new Project portal 2.x.x, see Installation.
Create the same projects in the new portal using the exact same project names (this will make migration of permissions easier)
Use "advanced options" to select which projects you want to populate default content in (depending on which content you want to migrate from the old project site instead)
Manually fill out the metadata of the projects (this can also be scripted)
Use a tool, we recommend Sharegate, to migrate content
Migrate tasks, documents and other data from old project site to the new project site
Migrate permissions groups using "Migrate site objects". If the permission group names are the same, they will automatically be merged. It's also possible to map groups if the names are not equal
Content that will not be easily migrated
Project metadata (requires manual work or scripting)
The task list timeline
The newsfeed web part and posts
Configurations in the project site (examples include navigation, customized permissions levels, permissions applied to lower level objects, customized or additional web parts)