Unlock a puzzle for a team - PuzzleServer/mainpuzzleserver GitHub Wiki

For alpha site, you will need to manually unlock your puzzle if you want tester to see it.

During the event, the admins will handle unlocking puzzles (usually by hitting "unlock all" or handling waves with timed or manual prerequisites)

  1. From the top bar, select the "Puzzles" item. You should see a list of all of your puzzles.
    For the puzzle you would like to unlock, go to the "Status" page.


  2. On the status page, find the team you want to unlock the puzzle for and select the "Unlock" link.


  3. If the unlock is successful, you should see the unlock time appear. Your tester should now be able to see the puzzle. If they cannot, check that you've unlocked the puzzle for the right team. If you still have problems, reach out to your event admins.


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