Creating and Running a Movement Site Locally on Mac OS X - PurposeOpen/Platform GitHub Wiki

Movement site template

We have created a demo movement site that you are free to use and modify.

Porpoise gem

Porpoise comprises components that are common across movement sites running on the Purpose Platform. It handles communication between the movement and the Purpose Platform, and provides basic views. It also generates a movement you can use to get started. There is more info on Porpoise on the project page.


Move into your local movement repository in a terminal window. If Porpoise didn't create a .rvmrc file, create one with an appropriate gemset name for your movement. Follow the [steps] ( for the Purpose Platform to install the gems for the movement.

Environment Variables

Set up the environment variables that are required in order for the movement site to work with the Purpose Platform.

Movement Content in Purpose Platform

Seed sample content into the Purpose Platform. This should create a platform administrator user account with the username '[email protected]' and password 'password'. Log in with this account and create a movement with your movement's name.

Up and Running

  • Start a local server running the Purpose Platform.
  • Load the environment variables
  • Start a server running the movement (using puma server as an example):
    rails s puma
  • Browse to your movement: http://localhost:3000