Create External Activity Event - PurposeOpen/Platform GitHub Wiki

POST /api/movements/:movement_id/external_activity_events(.:format)

Creates an external activity event, creates or updates a user

movement_idMandatory Movement ID. This is specified in the API url.
sourceMandatory The external source of data.
partnerOptional Partner organization slug if the action was created by a partner organization.
roleMandatory The user's role with respect to the action (e.g. 'creator', 'signer').
action_slugMandatory Slug uniquely identifying the action at the external source.
action_language_isoMandatory Two-letter iso code for language of the action.
activityMandatory The user's activity with respect to the action ('action_taken', or 'action_created').
tagsOptional An array of tags associated with the action.
tOptional Tracking hash provided by the Platform on links to the external source. This allows the Platform to track which email generated traffic and actions for an external source.
userMandatory A hash of user data. :email is the only required field. The optional fields are: :language_iso_code (2-letter), :country_iso_code (2-letter), :first_name, :last_name, :postcode, :mobile_number, :home_number, :street_address, :suburb, :state.


Status Code

201 if Created
422 if invalid external activity event or user
500 if exception



Example Request

POST /api/movements/test-movement/external_activity_events.json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Example Response

201 (Created)
