Maintenance Branches - PurdueMarketingAndMedia/purdueTemplates-2015 GitHub Wiki

Maintenance Branches (Hotfixes)


  • group-token : hotfix/
  • branches from : master
  • merges into: master


Maintenance branches, also known as hotfixes, are used to make quick updates to the master branch. These updates will most likely contain urgent fixes that need addressed after a release.


All maintenance branches will use the group-token, hotfix/. After the group-token is the future version number of the project. For example, if the current version of the project is 1.5.1 and a hotfix needs to be applied, then the maintenance branch should be named hotfix/1.5.2.


Since hotfixes are only meant to contain patches, they will almost always branch from the master branch.


Once a hotfix is production-ready, it will need to be merged into the master branch. A hotfix may also be applied, if needed, to the development branch and from there, feature branches.