Adding recipes - Psychokiller1888/MyChef GitHub Wiki
Recipes are json files in that structure:
"categories": [
"category string"
"name": "name string",
"phonetic": "how to say the name",
"person": people int,
"difficulty": "difficulty string",
"preparationTime": "preparation time string",
"cookingTime": "cooking time string",
"waitTime": "wait time string",
"totalTime": "total time string",
"ingredients": [
"ingredient 1"
"steps": {
"incremental id": "step string",
"incremental id": {
"text": "step string",
"timer": timer seconds, int,
"textAfterTimer": "step string when timer ran out"
- Categories: array(string) - Categories this recipe belongs to
- name: string - The name of this recipe. This must match the slots in the Snips intent
- phonetic optional: string - If the written name is wrongly spoken by the TTS, try to write it how you say it
- person: int - Number of person this recipe is intended for
- difficulty: string - The difficulty of this recipe for a beginner
- preparationTime: string - The time it takes to prepare this recipe
- cookingTime: string - The time it takes to cook this recipe. !!If waitTime present, this will not be used!!!
- waitTime optional: string - The wait time, as for exemple desserts that need waiting after preparing
- totalTime: string - The total time it takes to make that recipe
- ingredient: array(string) - Ingredients needed for this recipe
- steps: dictionary(string - string|string - dictionary) - A list of steps to accomplish to finish this recipe. The id must increment and should be twice in the dictionary. If this step is a simple step, just type it as string. If this step has a timer you can extend it by making it a dictionary with the following informations:
- text: string - The spoken text of this step
- timer int - The number of seconds for the timer in this step
- textAfterTimer string - The text spoken after the timer has ran out