Printoid How To - PrusaMK2Users/MK2_Tips_and_Tricks GitHub Wiki

by ballzyk0umpa

For setup:

  • type your preferred hostname>(any domain)
  • Record type: A (DNS Host (A))
  • IPv4= YOUR HOME ROUTER IP ADDRESS (non 192.168.1.###)
  • with your newly registered HOSTNAME, at the end of the link add the port forward ## you assigned (eg:7890) and /stream_simple.html
  • It should look like this:

For Printoid app (Android) setup OUTSIDE your home network (on cellular 4G/LTE)

  • Go to your “Port Forwarding” tab/section of your modem
  • Create new port forwarding rule
  • Selecting the octopi local ip address (eg: 192.168.1.XXX)
  • Select Custom port
  • (If there’s an “advanced” tab/menu open)
  1. Protocol>BOTH
  2. Source Port>ANY
  3. Destination Ports> SPECIFY> (your custom port # to assign for printoid)
  4. WAN Connection Type> ALL
  5. Forward to Port> 80 (for the octoprint IP)
  • Select> ADD/FINISH (to finish and apply the port forward rules)

At this point is should look like this example:

octopi192.168.1.2:80	|   Destination Ports 1234
		        |  TCP Any - > 1234
                        |  UDP Any - > 1234

Now open your Printoid app and
-Local IP or Hostname (LAN) (when on your home network/WiFi)

  • 192.168.1.XXX (local IP address of your octoprint raspberry pi)
  • Port: (leave port empty) -Distant IP or Hostname (WAN) (when you’re OUTSIDE on your smartphone on your mobile network 4G/LTE)
  • (Your PUBLIC IP address)
  • Port: 1234 (the assigned port that you just did for Port Forwarding)