Command line options - Protovision/moonbase GitHub Wiki

moonbase accepts the following command line options:

  • -c: Name of script to load before creating the video window and sound mixer (Default: config.lua)
  • -m: Name of script to load after creating the video window and sound mixer (Default: main.lua)
  • -d: Path of game to write files to (Default value platform dependent)
  • -p: Specify a number after this flag to have lua use a memory pool of that size in megabytes
  • -l: Specify a number from 1 to 6 after this flag, this will set the logging level (Default: 4). See moonbase.log for details

The last argument to moonbase, after any command-line options, specifies the zip file containing the lua files to execute. The default zip file that moonbase will look for is "" within the current directory.