Client Meeting: March 1st - ProstheticFalconry/Capstone GitHub Wiki
Schizophrenia, Jesus billboards, Sega! Nick gives updates Power board approved and milled, main board in Loren's to do list, will likely be milled by Friday. Nick needs Msp programmer from Mihai. Did Adam look at our PCB designs? No. Nick will want to catalog al electrical components we have received from orders. Transmitter board is sent in to Loren and pending approval. Actuator will hopefully be printing come Monday/Tuesday. Quadcopter chassis printed and needing slight edits. Mihai baffled by code however is looking through RT copter and is analyzing said code. He knows that we need to cut out unneeded code for the RG copter code base and thus we need to less build code from scratch and more so alter code of the RG copter so that we can use it without overloading our processors with 100's of mb. HAL is a generic class which facilitates the entire use of the RG copter program and thus Mihai needs to figure out how to modify the HAL for our purposes. Jaden advises against modifying the original HAL file, he wants us to instead make a HAL file subset so that we don't need to deal with the HAL compilation update which will build in about two hours. What is the next project goal?