Setting up VSCode - ProspectOne/flexbalancer-js-docs GitHub Wiki

Setting up Visual Studio Code

In some circumstances you may want to use 3rd part IDE such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code for your scripts creation. The thing is that you will need all type definitions to have hints and autocompletions working.

We presume that you already have VSCode, Node.js and npm, so you need to complete just couple of steps listed below:

  1. Install TypeScript if you don't have it installed yet:
npm install -g typescript
  1. Create your workspace at VSCode and create empty file definitions.d.ts:

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  1. Log in to PerfOps panel and proceed to FlexBalancers page. You need to find out your personal publicId. It can be seen when you create new flexbalancer. Just write it down.

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  1. Open page, in my case it is

  2. You will see list of your personal definitions:

declare interface ICityResponse {
    readonly name: string;
    readonly geonameId: number;

declare interface IStateResponse {
    readonly name: string;
    readonly isoCode: TState;
    readonly geonameId: number;

declare interface ICountryResponse {
    readonly name: string;
    readonly isoCode: TCountry;
    readonly geonameId: number;


declare function onRequest(request: IRequest, response: IResponse);

Select them all, Copy and Paste all that lines to that definitions.d.ts file that you have created at your workspace. Save the file.

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Now all hints related to types and functions are enabled, you can start writing your code!

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