Cedexis Migration Example - ProspectOne/flexbalancer-js-docs GitHub Wiki

The Performance-Based Answer with Preferred Market Weights

The Case

We have a set of answers associated with with CDN providers.

Each provider in our set has special ratio number for every continent(market), that determines the location penalties / boosts for that particular provider. For example, we want the users from Europe get preferred answer from JSDelivr, so it has ratio 1.40 (means boost). and users from South America should preferably get answer from Verizon, with boost ratio 1.30.

The answer candidate (providers) also must have uptime more than 80%.

Each candidate performance (rtt,latency) must also be taken into account.

Here goes the original Cedexis Openmix Application script:

 * Sample based on Openmix
var handler = new OpenmixApplication({
    providers: {
        'custom_defined_measured_cdn': {
            cname: 'www.custom-cdn.com',
            preferred_markets: {
                'EU': 1.00, // penalties / boosts ratio per continent
                'NA': 1.00,
                'SA': 1.00,
                'AF': 1.00,
                'AS': 1.00,
                'OC': 1.00,
        'jsdelivr': {
            cname: 'www.foo.com',
            preferred_markets: {
                'EU': 1.40,
                'NA': 1.00,
                'SA': 0.10,
                'AF': 1.00,
                'AS': 1.30,
                'OC': 1.00,
        'stackpath': {
            cname: 'www.bar.com',
            preferred_markets: {
                'EU': 0.80,
                'NA': 0.80,
                'SA': 0.50,
                'AF': 0.80,
                'AS': 0.50,
                'OC': 0.80,
        'verizon_edgecast': {
            cname: 'www.baz.com',
            preferred_markets: {
                'EU': 1.00,
                'NA': 1.20,
                'SA': 1.30,
                'AF': 1.00,
                'AS': 1.40,
                'OC': 1.00,
    default_ttl: 300,
    profile: 'rtt'
});function init(config) {
    'use strict';
}function onRequest(request, response) {
    'use strict';
    handler.handle_request(request, response);
}/** @constructor */
function OpenmixApplication(settings) {
    'use strict';var aliases = settings.providers === undefined ? [] : Object.keys(settings.providers);/**
   * @param {OpenmixConfiguration} config
  this.do_init = function(config) {
      var i = aliases.length;while (i --) {
   * @param {OpenmixRequest} request
   * @param {OpenmixResponse} response
  this.handle_request = function(request, response) {
      var dataKbps = request.getProbe('http_kbps'),
          dataRtt = request.getProbe('http_rtt'),
          market = request.market,
          decisionReason = '',
          scoreInformation = {};profiles = {
        rtt: {
            http_rtt: 1.9,
            http_kbps: 0.1
    };allReasons = {
        most_points: 'A',
        data_problem: 'B',
        all_providers_eliminated: 'C'
     * @param data
     * @param property
     * @param preferLower
    function rankPlatforms(data, property, preferLower) {
        var maxPoints = 1000,
            min = getLowestValue(data, property),
            max = getHighestValue(data, property),
            score = {},
            keys = Object.keys(data),
            i = keys.length;if (preferLower) {
            while (i --) {
                key = keys[i];
                if (data[key][property] > 0) {
                    score[key] = Math.floor((min / data[key][property]) * maxPoints);
                    score[key] *= profiles[settings.profile][property];
                } else {
                    score[key] = 0;
        } else {
            while (i --) {
                key = keys[i];
                if (max > 0) {
                    score[key] = Math.floor((data[key][property] / max) * maxPoints);
                    score[key] *= profiles[settings.profile][property];
                } else {
                    score[key] = 0;
        return score;
     * @param candidateAliases
     * @param scoreInformation
    function calculateTotalScore(candidateAliases, scoreInformation) {

        var totalScore = {},
            i = candidateAliases.length,
            j;while (i --) {
          key = candidateAliases[i];
          totalScore[key] = 0;
          subKeys = Object.keys(scoreInformation);
          j = subKeys.length;
          while (j --) {
              subKey = subKeys[j];
              totalScore[key] += scoreInformation[subKey][key];
          // apply penalties / boosts
          if (settings.providers[key].preferred_markets[market] !== undefined) {
              totalScore[key] = totalScore[key] * settings.providers[key].preferred_markets[market];
        return totalScore;
    }candidateAliases = aliases.slice();

    candidateAliases = intersectObjects(
        intersectObjects(candidateAliases, dataRtt),
    );if (candidateAliases.length === 0) {
        // process the fallback
        decisionProvider = aliases[Math.floor(Math.random() * aliases.length)];
        decisionReason = allReasons.all_providers_eliminated;
    } else {
        // prepare the metrics
        scoreInformation.rtt = rankPlatforms(dataRtt, 'http_rtt', true);
        scoreInformation.kbps = rankPlatforms(dataKbps, 'http_kbps', false);// Get the total score and apply pricing penalties / boosts
        totalScore = calculateTotalScore(candidateAliases, scoreInformation);// find the highest scored CDN
        if (Object.keys(totalScore).length > 0) {
            decisionProvider = getHighest(totalScore);
            decisionReason = allReasons.most_points;
    }// if no decision - use the fallback
      if (decisionProvider === undefined) {
          decisionProvider = aliases[Math.floor(Math.random() * aliases.length)];
          decisionReason = allReasons.data_problem;
      }response.respond(decisionProvider, settings.providers[decisionProvider].cname);
   * @param {!Object} target
   * @param {Object} source
  function intersectObjects(target, source) {
      var i = target.length,
      while (i --) {
          key = target[i];
          if (source[key] === undefined) {
              target.splice(i, 1);
      return target;
   * @param {!Object} source
   * @param {string} property
  function getLowestValue(source, property) {
      var keys = Object.keys(source),
          i = keys.length,
          min = Infinity,
      while (i --) {
          key = keys[i];
          value = source[key][property];
          if (value < min) {
              min = value;
      return min;
   * @param {!Object} source
  function getHighest(source) {
      var keys = Object.keys(source),
          i = keys.length,
          max = -Infinity,
          value;while (i --) {
        key = keys[i];
        value = source[key];
        if (value > max) {
            candidate = key;
            max = value;
    }return candidate;
   * @param {!Object} source
   * @param {string} property
  function getHighestValue(source, property) {
      var keys = Object.keys(source),
          i = keys.length,
          max = -Infinity,
          value;while (i --) {
        key = keys[i];
        value = source[key][property];
        if (value > max) {
            max = value;
    }return max;

Quite complicated, isn't it?

The important thing to mention is that PerfOps uses quite different approach to Opemix getProbe for the performance monitoring. It is based on Real User Metrics(RUM) data collected from users all over the world.

So, our task is to rewrite that script for fetchCdnRumUptime and fetchCdnRumPerformance functionalities provided by PerfOps Custom Answers, and use typescript syntax. Our script, in fact, will be written from scratch and will be very different from the original one both in logic and syntax.

Let's do it step by step, according to our Recommended Structure rules. Those are not mandatory, but recommended.


Let's create our configuration using original config. Let's take the providers list, ttl and profile from OpenmixApplication argument:

var handler = new OpenmixApplication({
    providers: {
        'custom_defined_measured_cdn': {
            cname: 'www.custom-cdn.com',
            preferred_markets: {
                'EU': 1.00, // penalties / boosts ratio per continent
                'NA': 1.00,
                'SA': 1.00,
                'AF': 1.00,
                'AS': 1.00,
                'OC': 1.00,
    default_ttl: 300,
    profile: 'rtt'

We modify the structure by adding 'name' property for our CDN Providers and we use TCDNProvider type that contains aliases for all CDN Providers we monitor:

    providers: [
            name: ('jsdelivr-cdn' as TCDNProvider),
            cname: 'www.foo.com',

And find in original script everything that can be moved to configuration. First, we take profiles:

    profiles = {
        rtt: {
            http_rtt: 1.9,
            http_kbps: 0.1

Instead of original getProbe we will use CDN Uptime and CDN Performance data for provider ranking. We do not collect throughput statistics, so we do not need http_kbps - we will take rtt ratio only - and also define minimal Uptime value for a CDN Provider availabilityThreshold (80 means 80% uptime, for Openmix apps default Availability Threshold it is also 80 ):

    profiles: <any>{
        'rtt': 1.9, // rtt (Round Trip Time),
    availabilityThreshold: 80 // Board value for providers 'Uptime' to compare with

We have got our configuration now!

const configuration = {
    /** List of providers configuration */
    providers: [
            name: ('custom_defined_measured_cdn' as TCDNProvider),// CDN Provider alias to work with
            cname: 'www.custom-cdn.com',// cname to pick as a result
            preferredMarkets: {
                'EU': 1.00,
                'NA': 1.00,
                'SA': 1.00,
                'AF': 1.00,
                'AS': 1.00,
                'OC': 1.00,
            name: ('jsdelivr-cdn' as TCDNProvider),
            cname: 'www.foo.com',
            preferredMarkets: {
                'EU': 1.40,
                'NA': 1.00,
                'SA': 0.10,
                'AF': 1.00,
                'AS': 1.30,
                'OC': 1.00,
            name: ('stackpath-cdn' as TCDNProvider),
            cname: 'www.bar.com',
            preferredMarkets: {
                'EU': 0.80,
                'NA': 0.80,
                'SA': 0.50,
                'AF': 0.80,
                'AS': 0.50,
                'OC': 0.80,
            name: ('verizon-edgecast-cdn' as TCDNProvider),
            cname: 'www.baz.com',
            preferredMarkets: {
                'EU': 1.00,
                'NA': 1.20,
                'SA': 1.30,
                'AF': 1.00,
                'AS': 1.40,
                'OC': 1.00,
    profiles: <any>{
        'rtt': 1.9, // rtt (Round Trip Time),
    defaultProfile: 'rtt',
    defaultTtl: 300, // The DNS TTL to be applied to DNS responses in seconds.
    availabilityThreshold: 80 // Board value for providers 'Uptime' to compare with


As we have mentioned, we do not collect throughput statistics, so we don't need intersectObjects function at all. We won't need getLowestValue, getHighestValue as well, we will have one function for highest value from array:

 * Pick highest value from given array of numbers
const getHighest = (array: number[]): number => array.indexOf(Math.max(...array));

And one for random answer for the case of all providers availability is low:

 * Pick random element from given array of type
const getRandom = <T>(items:T[]):T =>  items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];

We will also need two functions: rankPlatforms and calculateTotalScore, but those will be very different from 'original' and we will define them while writing our 'main' onRequest function.

Main Section

Now, our logic. It will be placed inside 'main' onRequest function:

function onRequest(request: IRequest, response: IResponse) {

We hope you have already took a look at our Request and Response interfaces, we will use request to determine a user location.

First let's parse our configuration, get the user location, then, filter all providers, removing those with uptime lower than availabilityThreshold. We will use fetchCdnRumUptime for uptime data retrieving, if we are able to detect user continent(market) - we operate with that continent statistics received via fetchCdnRumUptime(provider.name, 'continent', continent). If continent is not determined - we take the 'world' data with fetchCdnRumUptime(provider.name)):

    const { providers, defaultTtl, availabilityThreshold } = configuration;
    const { continent } = request.location;

    // Filter providers by uptime
    const availableProviders = providers.filter(
        (provider) =>
            (continent &&
                fetchCdnRumUptime(provider.name, 'continent', continent) ||
                fetchCdnRumUptime(provider.name)) > availabilityThreshold // uptime data for 60 minutes

If availableProviders is empty, so no providers match our criteria - we pick a random one as an answer, remember, we have added the getRandom function earlier:

    // 'Bad' uptime, return random provider from available.
    if (!availableProviders.length) { // availableProviders

So, if everything is 'bad' - we return a random answer.

In case it goes fine and we have the array of available providers - we get performances for the every available provider, using fetchCdnRumPerformance either for user continent (if it is determined) of for 'world' performance:

    // Else create array with performance data for each provider
    const cdnPerformanceData = availableProviders.map(
        (provider) => ({
                continent &&
                fetchCdnRumPerformance(provider.name, 'continent', continent) ||

Now, we have the cdnPerformanceData array with providers and Real User Metric Performance per provider. And it is time to create our calculateTotalScore and rankPlatforms functions.

Having cdnPerformanceData, let's find the best CDN performance (minimal, because the lower response in milliseconds- the better), and calculate rank based on the formula floor((best_performance / current_cdn_performance) * 1000) * profile_ratio. In fact, we have the only one profile, so could just skip related functionality, but we might need it for future features, so let's keep it.

Here goes the code:

 * Generates rank by performance data
function rankPlatforms(cdnPerformanceData) {
    // Get array of all providers and performance in milliseconds for each one.
    const maxPoints = 1000;
    const min = Math.min(...cdnPerformanceData.map((item) => item.perf));
    const {  profiles, defaultProfile } = configuration;

    return cdnPerformanceData.map((provider): number => {
        if (provider.perf <= 0) { // It won't happen most likely
            return 0;
        const flooredPoints = Math.floor((min / provider.perf) * maxPoints);
        return flooredPoints * profiles[defaultProfile];

Now we have ranks, let's apply continents(markets)-related penalties or boosts using preferredMarket value for particular continent and get the total score:

 * Calculate Total Score from given score and data
function calculateTotalScore(
    cdnPerformanceData, // our providers data and performances
    scores: number[], // the ranks array we got with the rankPlatforms function
    continent?: TContinent, // user continent (if detected)
): number[] {
    return cdnPerformanceData.map((provider, index) => {
        let totalScore = scores[index];

        // apply pricing penalties / boosts if user continent is detected
        if (continent && provider.provider.preferredMarkets[continent]) {
            totalScore *= provider.provider.preferredMarkets[continent];

        return totalScore;

We are done with our functions, let's get back to our onRequest section and use our calculateTotalScore function to get score per provider:

    // Calculate total score
    const totalScores = calculateTotalScore(

And finally - return the best one, using getHighest function:


Here we go. Our script looks like:

// Main configuration
const configuration = {
     /** List of providers configuration */
     providers: [
             name: ('custom_defined_measured_cdn' as TCDNProvider),// CDN Provider alias to work with
             cname: 'www.custom-cdn.com',// cname to pick as a result
             preferredMarkets: {
                 'EU': 1.00,
                 'NA': 1.00,
                 'SA': 1.00,
                 'AF': 1.00,
                 'AS': 1.00,
                 'OC': 1.00,
             name: ('jsdelivr-cdn' as TCDNProvider),
             cname: 'www.foo.com',
             preferredMarkets: {
                 'EU': 1.40,
                 'NA': 1.00,
                 'SA': 0.10,
                 'AF': 1.00,
                 'AS': 1.30,
                 'OC': 1.00,
             name: ('stackpath-cdn' as TCDNProvider),
             cname: 'www.bar.com',
             preferredMarkets: {
                 'EU': 0.80,
                 'NA': 0.80,
                 'SA': 0.50,
                 'AF': 0.80,
                 'AS': 0.50,
                 'OC': 0.80,
             name: ('verizon-edgecast-cdn' as TCDNProvider),
             cname: 'www.baz.com',
             preferredMarkets: {
                 'EU': 1.00,
                 'NA': 1.20,
                 'SA': 1.30,
                 'AF': 1.00,
                 'AS': 1.40,
                 'OC': 1.00,
     profiles: <any>{
         'rtt': 1.9, // rtt (Round Trip Time),
     defaultProfile: 'rtt',
     defaultTtl: 300, // The DNS TTL to be applied to DNS responses in seconds.
     availabilityThreshold: 80 // Board value for providers 'Uptime' to compare with

 * Generates rank by performance data
function rankPlatforms(cdnPerformanceData) {
    // Get array of all providers and performance in milliseconds for each one.
    const maxPoints = 1000;
    const min = Math.min(...cdnPerformanceData.map((item) => item.perf));
    const {  profiles, defaultProfile } = configuration;

    return cdnPerformanceData.map((provider): number => {
        if (provider.perf <= 0) { // It won't happen most likely
            return 0;
        const flooredPoints = Math.floor((min / provider.perf) * maxPoints);
        return flooredPoints * profiles[defaultProfile];

 * Calculate Total Score from given score and data
function calculateTotalScore(
    cdnPerformanceData, // our providers data and performances
    scores: number[], // the ranks array we got with the rankPlatforms function
    continent?: TContinent, // user continent (if detected)
): number[] {
    return cdnPerformanceData.map((provider, index) => {
        let totalScore = scores[index];

        // apply pricing penalties / boosts if user continent is detected
        if (continent && provider.provider.preferredMarkets[continent]) {
            totalScore *= provider.provider.preferredMarkets[continent];

        return totalScore;

 * Pick highest value from given array of numbers
const getHighest = (array: number[]): number => array.indexOf(Math.max(...array));
 * Pick random element from given array of type
const getRandom = <T>(items:T[]):T =>  items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];

function onRequest(request: IRequest, response: IResponse) {
    const { providers, defaultTtl, availabilityThreshold } = configuration;
    const { continent } = request.location;

    // Filter providers by uptime
    const availableProviders = providers.filter(
        (provider) =>
            (continent &&
                fetchCdnRumUptime(provider.name, 'continent', continent) ||
                fetchCdnRumUptime(provider.name)) > availabilityThreshold // uptime data for 60 minutes

    // 'Bad' uptime, return random provider from available.
    if (!availableProviders.length) { // availableProviders

    // Else create array with performance data for each provider
    const cdnPerformanceData = availableProviders.map(
        (provider) => ({
                continent &&
                fetchCdnRumPerformance(provider.name, 'continent', continent) ||

    // Calculate total score
    const totalScores = calculateTotalScore(

    // Return as default, provider with highest score
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