Quick Start Guide (for developers) - ProofDrivenQuerying/pdq GitHub Wiki


This guide explains how to set-up your device in order to have a fully-functional development environment for PDQ.


Building PDQ and passing all tests requires the following products correctly installed and configured on your device:

We refer the users to the guides of the manufacturers for the specific instructions.


Download the source code

Using the functionalities provided by GitHub, clone or download the sources of the project from the master branch.

For example, from the command line,

$ git clone https://github.com/ProofDrivenQuerying/pdq

More information at https://help.github.com.

We will refer to the location of this pdq directory as $PDQ_HOME in the remainder of this guide.

At this point you can test that your Java and Maven are working correctly: from $PDQ_HOME run

$ mvn compile

This will compile all components of PDQ and, if you have Java and Maven installed correctly, you will see information finishing with BUILD SUCCESSFUL printed to the console. Not all of the unit tests will pass yet, so we will move on to configuring the databases.

Set-up the tools

You can use your favourite IDE and your preferred Git client.

Here we report some basic information about Maven and Git, and provide some details about setting up Eclipse.

Set-up the Database(s)

Two databases are relevant to PDQ.

The first one is the pdq database that can be used to store the results of PDQ's reasoning process. The set-up of this database is described in the user start guide.

There is an additional database that might be relevant for developers, the tpch database. This is a test database and is used to test some core PDQ functionality as well as in regression tests.

It can be created following these instructions (after the ones of the pdq database) in a shell (Win32 console, Terminal (macOS), Linux console, ...):

  1. Run createuser -U postgres --pwprompt --superuser admin to create a new user (or "role") named admin with "superuser" privileges (and type admin as password)

  2. Run createdb --owner=admin -U postgres tpch to create a new database named tpch

  3. Download and extract the following files: pdq-tpch-test-data.zip

  4. Change all the paths in tpch-build-db.sql specifying the full path of the pdq-tpch-test-data folder extracted in the previous point

  5. Run psql -U admin -W tpch to connect to the tpch DB

  6. Run \i path/to/tpch-build-db.sql (with path/to being the path of the pdq-tpch-test-data folder extracted before), to populate the DB

  7. Create the three views used for some PDQ testing:

    CREATE VIEW region_nation AS SELECT n.n_nationkey as nation_key, n_name as nation_name, r.r_regionkey as region_key, r_name as region_name FROM nation as n, region as r WHERE n.n_regionkey = r.r_regionkey;
    CREATE VIEW order_customer AS SELECT c.c_name as cname, c.c_address as caddress, c.c_nationkey as cnation, c.c_acctbal as cactbal, o.o_orderpriority as opriority, o.o_clerk as oclerk, p.p_name as pname, p.p_brand as pbrand, p.p_type as ptype, l.l_extendedprice as lextendedprice, l.l_discount as ldiscount, l.l_tax as ltax, l.l_returnflag as lflag FROM customer as c, orders as o, lineitem as l, part as p WHERE o.o_orderkey = l.l_orderkey AND o.o_custkey = c.c_custkey AND l.l_partkey = p.p_partkey;
    CREATE VIEW order_supplier AS SELECT s.s_name as sname, s.s_address as saddress, s.s_nationkey as snation, s.s_acctbal as sactbal, o.o_orderpriority as opriority, o.o_clerk as oclerk, p.p_name as pname, p.p_brand as pbrand, p.p_type as ptype, l.l_extendedprice as lextendedprice, l.l_discount as ldiscount, l.l_tax as ltax, l.l_returnflag as lflag FROM supplier as s, orders as o, lineitem as l, part as p WHERE o.o_orderkey = l.l_orderkey AND l.l_partkey = p.p_partkey AND l.l_suppkey = s.s_suppkey;
  8. Run \d+ to check if the previous two points worked as expected.
    This should print a list of relations with 17 rows, 8 of Type table, 6 of Type sequence, and 3 of Type view, all with admin as Owner. It should be similar to the following one:

    Schema Name Type Owner Size Description
    public customer table admin 29 MB
    public customer_c_custkey_seq sequence admin 8192 bytes
    public lineitem table admin 950 MB
    public nation table admin 8192 bytes
    public nation_n_nationkey_seq sequence admin 8192 bytes
    public order_customer view admin 0 bytes
    public order_supplier view admin 0 bytes
    public orders table admin 216 MB
    public orders_o_orderkey_seq sequence admin 8192 bytes
    public part table admin 32 MB
    public part_p_partkey_seq sequence admin 8192 bytes
    public partsupp table admin 143 MB
    public region table admin 8192 bytes
    public region_nation view admin 0 bytes
    public region_r_regionkey_seq sequence admin 8192 bytes
    public supplier table admin 1848 kB
    public supplier_s_suppkey_seq sequence admin 8192 bytes
  9. Run ALTER ROLE admin WITH NOSUPERUSER; to remove "superuser" privileges of the admin role

  10. Run \du to confirm

  11. Run \q to logout

Finishing installation

To install the project, run

mvn install

If there are problems because some tests fail, run

mvn install -DskipTests

To execute the Test Suite, run

mvn test

Or, to run the tests of individual sub-projects, run

mvn test -f [sub-project-name]

where [sub-project-name] is one of {common, reasoning, cost, planner, runtime, datasources}

Manual installation (without Maven)

External dependencies are managed by Maven automatically. The following is a list of external dependencies used by PDQ, which you should ensure are on the CLASSPATH:

groupId artifactId version
com.beust jcommander 1.35
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind 2.2.3
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-xml 2.2.3
com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs jackson-jaxrs-json-provider 2.2.3
com.google.guava guava 16.0.1
javax.ws.rs javax.ws.rs-api 2
javax.xml.bind jaxb-api 2.4.0-b180725.0427
junit junit 4.11
net.sf.jgrapht jgrapht 0.8.3
org.apache.commons commons-collections4 4
org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.3.1
org.apache.jcs jcs 1.3
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-1.2-api 2.13.3
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-core 2.13.3
org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-runtime 2.4.0-b180725.0644
org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-client 2.11
org.mockito mockito-core 3.3.3
org.postgresql postgresql 42.2.12

The following table lists dependencies by PDQ module:

Module Internal External
common jcommander, guava, jaxb-api, junit, commons-collections4, commons-lang3, log4j-1.2-api, log4j-core, jaxb-runtime, mockito-core, postgresql
datasources common jackson-databind, jackson-dataformat-xml, jackson-jaxrs-json-provider, guava, javax.ws.rs-api, jaxb-api, junit, commons-lang3, jcs, log4j-1.2-api, log4j-core, jersey-client, mockito-core, postgresql
reasoning common, datasources guava, junit, commons-collections4, log4j-1.2-api, log4j-core, mockito-core
cost common guava, jaxb-api, junit, log4j-1.2-api, log4j-core, mockito-core
planner common, cost, reasoning guava, junit, jgrapht, commons-collections4, commons-lang3, mockito-core
runtime common, cost, datasources guava, log4j-1.2-api, log4j-core, jersey-client


PDQ uses log4j for logging. By default, little information will be written to logs, but this is configurable by editing the relevant log4j2.xml files which can be found in


for each <component> of common, planner, cost, reasoning, regression, runtime and gui.

These files contain a line:

<Logger name="uk.ac.ox.cs.pdq" level="WARN">

where level can be set to one of ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or OFF, depending on the output level you prefer.

Log files are written to



  1. master is the official, most stable version.


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