Console GUI - ProofDrivenQuerying/pdq GitHub Wiki

PDQ has two GUI packages.

The Console-GUI is available as a Java application. This is more convenient for running locally. Like the Web-GUI it is only for planning. But it supports customization of the various planning parameters that is not available in the Web-GUI.


How to run the Console-GUI

There are three ways to start the Console-GUI:

  1. From the command line, using pdq-main
  2. From the pdq-gui jar
  3. Running it directly from the source code using your favorite IDE

When you run the GUI, it will create a hidden folder called .pdq which stores all it's generated data. When you view the folder it will be divided into it's subfolders such as the schemas, queries, catalog, and plans. Each can be inspected and altered as like. If you would like to make permanent changes to this folder you will have to zip the new .pdq into a zip file called and store it in /pdq/gui/main/src/resources/settings/.

Before the application starts is does a check to see if a .pdq folder is present if not it will unzip the and create a new .pdq folder.

A video of the Console-GUI in action can be found on the PDQ project page at Oxford.