Supported Step highlights - Pronovix/WalkHub GitHub Wiki
WalkHub uses the Selenium selector naming conventions to define on what element the Step dialogue will be shown on.
###Steps without "Step highlight" The "open" Step at the beginning of a Walkthrough does not contain a Step highlight. Instead the Walkthrough executes the open command automatically and does not wait for user feedback.
###link= Link is used to identify hyperlinks. This is a very commonly used selector strategy in Selenium with the disadvantage that the Walkthrough will look for the first instance of a link that contains the link title and click that link. This is a known issue and we are working on a solution to make this more robust.
Example Step highlight: link=Walkthrough
###id= id is used to identify an element with a specified CSS id. This is commonly used for the type Selenium command.
Example Step highlight: id=edit-title
###xpath= When Selenium IDE can't uniquely identify an element with any of it's other selector strategies, it creates an xpath selector. This is often not very robust.
Example Step highlight: xpath=(//button[@type='button'])[3]
###Other resources
- Wiki topic about the Step highlight
- Selenium documentation on Selectors over at