Supported Selenium commands - Pronovix/WalkHub GitHub Wiki
WalkHub currently only supports the most common Selenium commands. You can use them to trigger an automatic action when a user clicks the next button on a Walkthrough Step.
###Step without commands It is possible to create a step that does not contain any commands. In this case the Walkthrough will display the Step on the element indicated in the "Step highlight" field but it won't perform any actions when the "next" button is clicked.
###Open Example Step Selenium commands:
- Command 1: open
- Command 2: http://[domain]
- Command 3:
Every Walkthrough needs to start with a step with an open command, else a Walkthrough will not start. Notice that command 2 contains a domain parameter, that will be replaced with it's default value or another value selected by the Walkthrough user.
###Click Example Step Selenium commands:
- Command 1: click
- Command 2: link=Show Advanced settings
- Command 3:
This command is also used to toggle checkboxes and radio buttons.
###ClickAndWait Example Step Selenium commands:
- Command 1: ClickAndWait
- Command 2: link=Walkthrough
- Command 3:
This command is used when the browser needs to load a new page after a link/button is clicked.
###Type Example Step Selenium commands:
- Command 1: Type
- Command 2: id=edit-body-und-0-value
- Command 3: A walkthrough that creates a walkthrough that creates walkthroughs
###Select example Step Selenium commands:
- Command 1: select
- Command 2: id=edit-timezone--2
- Command 3: label=Australia/Melbourne: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 - 07:41 +1000