Recording Selenium tests - Pronovix/WalkHub GitHub Wiki

To create a Selenium test you can simply record your interactions with a website using a tool like Selenium IDE.

  1. In Firefox open Selenium IDE under the Tools menu item.
  2. If Selenium-IDE was already open:
    • Create a new test case (Right click on the test case list and select "New Test Case")
    • Make sure the record button is turned ON
  3. Type the URL where you want to record the interaction sequence for your Walkthrough.
  4. Perform the actions you want your Walkthrough users to perform with example data. Selenium-IDE will automatically insert commands into your test case based on your actions.
  5. Copy the source of the test case you have just created to your clipboard. You will later paste this into the "Create from Selenium test" field on the Walkthrough creation form.
  6. Optionally you can store your test case as an HTML file in Selenium IDE.


  • Don't skip the 3rd step, even if you are already on the right page, else the Walkthrough you generate won't work!
  • Don't use confidential data like usernames and passwords, unless you are planning to share them with anyone who will be playing your Walkthrough.


  • You can skip the second step if you close Selenium IDE before you start a new recording.
  • If you do not want Selenium-IDE to begin recording automatically you can turn this off under Options > Options... and deselecting “Start recording immediately on open.”



  • The easiest way to create Selenium tests is to record them with Selenium IDE, check out Installing Selenium IDE to get yourself set-up.

Other resources

To learn more about creating tests with Selenium IDE, check out this page.