For developers - Pronovix/WalkHub GitHub Wiki

Installing WalkHub

WalkHub is a Drupal distribution to store your walkthroughs.

Retrieve the code

To install the WalkHub distribution, first check out the code:

$ git clone [email protected]:Pronovix/WalkHub.git
$ git checkout release/2014-02-18
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Install the distribution

You can install the distribution as any other Drupal distribution. Either by hitting install.php and installing the Walkthrough profile or using drush:

$ drush site-install walkthrough

For more information see the Drupal installation guide.

Installing the WalkHub client

If you are not using as your WalkHub where a proxy service injects the Walkthrough javascript in your page, you will need the WalkHub client Drupal module installed to play Walkthroughs.

Download the WalkHub client

Either get the tarball from the WalkHub client project page, or use git to retrieve the module

$ cd sites/all/modules/contrib
$ git clone [email protected]:Pronovix/Drupal-WalkHub-client.git --branch=7.x-1.x

Install the module

Go to admin/modules and enable the Walkhub Client module.

For more information see the guide for installing modules.

Connect to WalkHub

Go to admin/config/services/walkhub_client and set up your WalkHub url.