Report Parameters - PromInc/organic-search-analytics GitHub Wiki

The reporting feature of this tool is of course very valuable as it allows you to visualize your data.

The user interface has been designed to provide you with all of the features available and thus allow you to access and see your data as needed.

For those that wish to implement custom programmatic methods to this tool, the following parameter list is your reference for how to create custom reports.

To make a programmatic request for a report, send a request to report-custom.php with the following parameters set.

Parameter Req. Format Values Notes
domain Yes string A URL exactly corresponding Google Search Console and/or Bing Webmaster Tools. URL encoded.
query No string A specific keyword query you wish to base the report on. URL encoded.
queryMatch No string broad,exact How to match the query to the values in the database.
search_type No string ALL,web,image,video The type of search page the impression was found on.

Only Google data can be broken down by these values - Bing does not offer this differentiation in their API data and will thus always be labeled as ALL.
device_type No string ALL,desktop,mobile,tablet The type of device the user was on when the impression was recorded.

Only Google data can be broken down by these values - Bing does not offer this differentiation in their API data and will thus always be labeled as ALL.
date_type Yes string hard_set, recent_# hard_set uses the dates given in the date_start and date_end fields. If set to recent_# where # is any number, the report will end on the most recent date found in the database and go back # days from that date. This allow for reports like past 7 days.
date_start No YYYY-MM-DD Start date for report. If not set, the latest date found in the database will be used.
date_end No YYYY-MM-DD End date for report. If not set, the most recent date found in the database will be used.
sortBy No string date,query,impression,avgpos,ctr Column used for sorting the report.
sortDir No asc,desc Direction to sort the report data.
granularity No day,week,month,year

NOTE: Options under the values column listed in bold are the default option that will be used if not set in the request.

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