Normal, Liquid and Opaque - ProjectZulu/JustAnotherSpawner GitHub Wiki
boolean normal(Integer[3] searchRange, Integer[3] searchOffsets)
boolean liquid(Integer[3] searchRange, Integer[3] searchOffsets)
boolean opaque(Integer[3] searchRange, Integer[3] searchOffsets)
- Normal is one of several block properties. By default, normal means the block is opaque, is rendered visually as a standard block, and does not supply power. This property can be changed by modders however, and its value for modded blocks may not be coherent with what it means for vanilla Minecraft.
- Opaque checks whether a block is defined as completely opaque or not internally, rather than visually. For example, while texture packs can change a block's appearance, they cannot alter properties defined by a mod author; the authors decide if their blocks are truly opaque or not. Refer to your mod documentation/forums for more info on modded block properties.
- Liquid checks if a block is actually a liquid: water, lava, Buildcraft oil/fuel, any other modded liquids are probably included (check with your mod documentation in case of doubt.)
- See block for an explanation of expected parameters and types.
- normal({0,0,0},{0,1,0})
- Checks if the single block above the mob's location is a normal cube.
- liquid({0,0,0},{0,0,0})
- Checks if the mob is currently standing in 1 block of liquid.
- opaque({0,0,0},{0,-1,0})
- Checks if the block located 1 below the mob is completely opaque.