Mercenaries - ProjectDiablo2/PD2 GitHub Wiki
PD2 Wiki is currently incomplete and work in progress. All information has been taken from SenpaiSomething's Twitch streams, Discord, and /r/ProjectDiablo2. Please be aware that these are ALPHA values and may be subject to change at any time.
- Mercenaries will now stay within range of character.
- Act 1 mercenaries have baseline pierce
- Auras have been updated. Will be same auras for Normal, Nightmare, and Hell.
- Act 1 Fire: Vigor
- Act 1 Cold: Meditation
- Act 2 Combat: Thorns
- Act 2 Offensive: Blessed Aim
- Act 2 Defense: Defiance
- Act 3 Fire: Cleansing
- Act 3 Cold: Prayer
- Act 3 Lightning: Holy shock + Static Field
A3 auras
Act 3 Caster Merc Changes
Mercenaries can now equip gloves, belt, and boots. (No jewelry)