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Project Diablo 2 Wiki

PD2 Wiki is currently incomplete and work in progress. All information has been taken from SenpaiSomething's Twitch streams, Discord, and /r/ProjectDiablo2. Please be aware that these are ALPHA values and may be subject to change at any time.

Amazon Assassin Barbarian Druid
Necromancer Paladin Sorceress


Frequently Asked Questions

Why play Project Diablo 2?

PD2 aims to maintain the Lord of Destruction experience and provide consistent ladder resets while improving on the game as if development never ceased.

  • Updates and ladder reset every 4 months- PD2 will be worked on full-time and will bring consistent updates.
  • Increased build diversity & Item rebalances - PD2 aims to review every single item and skill and give it a purpose.
  • New end game content:
    • At least 6 new maps for solo end game content.
    • Extremely difficult group based map called Dungeons for those who enjoy a challenge for bonus experience. Dungeons will require teamwork and variety of composition such as supports, tanks, or summoners and damage dealers to clear.
    • PD2 will still maintain the appeal to farm all of the original Lord of Destruction content, even incentivizing to farm more LoD areas.
  • PvP Support (coming after season 1) - PvP tournaments

Along with these changes, Project Diablo 2 also brings many fan favourite features from other games & mods such as the Quality of Life changes open sourced by the Slash Diablo team and the Corruption mechanic from Path of Exile.

For more information, visit ProjectDiablo2.com, PD2 Discord, PD2 Dev Stream VoD , or PD2 Subreddit

What is the release date?

The release date is still TBD. The team is shooting for end of summer early fall.

Will PD2 be free to play?

Yes, PD2 is a free mod, however you will need a purchased copy of Lord of Destruction from Battle.net

What will be the resolution?

Widescreen 1068x600 25fps

Will there be a place to trade outside of the game?

Yes, it wont be fully featured with APIs from the start but we will provide a trade website.

Will it be available in Single Player?


Will PvP be supported?

Yes we plan on supporting PvP however, it most likely won't be balanced for Season 1.

What is the droprate?

At the moment, it is players 5 loot that scales up to ~p9 with more players.

Detailed Loot explanation taken from PD2 Discord by madinsane

ok let me clarify how the new drop system works, basically its p5 loot but still scales with player count, this amount is much smaller than it previously would've been but as canight mentioned at p8 its around p9ish first how does loot work baseline in vanilla? there are a large number of treasure classes which each have a selection of drop types with associated weightings, a nodrop value and rarity weightings and a number of picks. rarity weightings quite simply are a set of chances for drops of items to be upgraded to a specific rarity nodrop is the chance for that pick to drop nothing this is the important one the picks value says how many times to pick something from this class, so 5 picks will not necessarily drop 5 items but will do 5 rolls and assuming it chose 4 items and 1 nodrop it drops the 4 items (there is a hard drop limit of 6 per monster)

So what does playersX do? it increases monster HP, monster damage and AR, experience gained from each monster and it alters NoDrop chance. NoDrop change is calculated from the following:
     Calculate change to drop nothing (NoDrop) from the weights
     X is player count (up to 8)
     noDropChance^X=new no drop chance

So since chance to drop nothing is decreased its more likely to drop something. Since it only alters NoDrop, treasure classes that have NoDrop=0 are never affected by player count (not in vanilla and not here) What we have done is altered the base values of the treasure classes so they are baseline equivalent to what p5 drop chances would be. This means in the best case of 80% NoDrop in a class, baseline in pd2 it has a 32% NoDrop. The big difference between this and just setting loot to p8 or p5 is that more players will always increase loot but the relative difference between p1 and p8 are dramatically lower with p5 base loot and 8 players its close to p9 (though not exactly, its hard to give exact values as it ranges greatly between the different NoDrop chances) and since loot is capped at 6 per monster still it won't be as crazy an increase as it might initially seem. In summary you still get overall loot increases from more players like vanilla but not as much so its not required but still rewarded and a solo player will still get significantly more loot than vanilla but a bit less than p8.

rune drops are different to vanilla. im not going to call it linear because its not but its not as crazy as it was for vanilla for mid-high runes

Where will the servers be located?

This is TBD. We will have a better idea closer to launch. If you would like to support a server, please contact SenpaiSomething through our PD2 Discord

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