Maintainership - Project-Fluid-Devices/official_devices GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Fluid Maintainership guidelines wiki!
Guidelines to follow before applying:
- Must own the device and be able to test yourself in case of emergency
- Must have proper git knowledge (cherry-picking, fixing conflicts, rebasing[dropping, squashing], etc.)
- Your device sources should have a clear showcase of your basic git skills
- Your device sources must be the exact ones with the exact commits and modifications you used to build
- Your device sources shouldn't have unused overlays
- Your commit history shouldn't be just "update [FILE]", it should explain what the commit does exactly
- Your device's sources commit authorship HAS TO BE correct
- You must have at least 1 month of maintaining unofficially to get official status
- If you have device parts/specific settings, they have to comply with our requirements
- Basic knowledge of reading logcats and managing basic device-related errors/bugs
- Any modification to the rom source that is required, should be approved by the dev team
- The maintainer must ship builds monthly
- The maintainer must build with the OFFICIAL build tag
- The maintainer must be able to communicate in English
- The maintainer must not have a history of kanging
- The maintainer must not maintain more than 2 ROMs at once
- The maintainer must have a way to give access to device sources for a team member to review them
- Device-specific groups and XDA threads are not mandatory
Requirements to get official status:
- Enforcing builds are recommended but not mandatory
- Basic phone functionality should be in working condition
- The device kernel MUST be public (if not prebuilt)
- While prebuilt kernels are allowed, YOU MUSTN'T ship a prebuilt kernel if you have working kernel sources available
- An unofficial build has to be built and tested before applying for official
If you feel fluid enough, go apply for your maintainership here!