Week 9 Homework - Programming-from-A-to-Z/A2Z-F15 GitHub Wiki
Read and Watch
- All of my notes on node and bots
- Random number example bot
- Context Free Grammar Bot
- Bot that replies to tweets
- A wiki with links to bot resources
- Bot video tutorial
Make a Twitter Bot (Due Nov 16)
- Sign up for a twitter account for a bot and generate API keys. More info on how to do this.
- Use one of the above examples verbatim and modify it slightly to create your own bot. Run your bot from your laptop for an hour or two so that it posts to twitter.
- Link below to your bot account.
- If you don't want to deal with node, feel free to follow Allison Parrish's spreadsheet bot tutorial instead.
- add your question here
Bot links!
- Name -- [bot name](twitter account link), any comments or other links
- Abhishek --
- Caroline --[InsomniaLane] (https://twitter.com/InsomniaLane)
- Craig -- 8bitBot
- Daria -- [Sad Marvin - yes, this also has to do with Hitchhiker's Guide] (https://twitter.com/hitchhikingrobo)
- Francisco --
- Gabe -- Starter bot, very boring still, Github
- Hub -- [reallyevil] (https://twitter.com/reallyevil) [Github] (https://github.com/hubuy/Twitter-Bot-Test-A2Z)
- Jason --
- Jia -- [1AmAP3rs0n] (https://twitter.com/1AmAP3rs0n)
- Marc --
- Nikolaj --
- Oryan -- The ambitious bot ; On Twitter
- Rebecca --
- Ross --
- Sehwan --
- A.V. -- Learning Daya Bot
- Sweta -- [But No Black Widow Movie Bot] (https://twitter.com/blackwidowmovi)
- Tanya -- the privileged bot