Week 2 Homework - Programming-from-A-to-Z/A2Z-F15 GitHub Wiki

Week 2 Homework

  • Create a text processing machine as a single page app. You can use the model presented here or invent your own. Some ideas are:
    • Create a programmatic version of the algorithm you invented in class and/or for week 1 homework.
    • Analyze the statistical properties of a text like in the Flesch Index example.
    • Riff off of an existing "poetry machine" algorithm like cut-ups, erasure, or diastic.
    • Create a mad libs generator.
    • Create a "word replacer" (all male pronouns with female, all fruits with vegetables, etc.)
    • Investigate RitaJS to see what kinds of metadata you can glean from a string. Here is a quick and dirty example that shows you how to get parts of speech tags for words.

Interesting sources for text


  • add your question here

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