Upload And Run A New Application - ProgrammableMatterProject/BlinkyBlocks GitHub Wiki

Resetting Configuration

Reset to default configuration parameters from previous changes with the following:

./blinkyApploaderCLI -t -c 0

./blinkyApploaderCLI -e

Then cut the power and wait for all of them to turn off (including the white LED indicator from power supply blocks) and switch power back on.

Set BB IDs

./blinkyApploaderCLI -t -c 0

./blinkyApploaderCLI -k ID_START (ID_START is an INT describing the first ID to be used from which to increment the others)

You shall see to output lines, only the second one is of interest where the two last bytes hexadecimal values are the 16 bits of the last allocated ID (check if it equals to ID_START + QTY_of_BB - 1) Cut the power and wait for all of them to switch off (including the white LED indicator from power supply blocks) and switch power back on.

Upload & Run

./blinkyApploaderCLI -t -c 0

Enable advanced programmation, all BB should turn magenta when ready:

./blinkyApploaderCLI -a 1

Upload you application hexadecimal file you downloaded or converted from .elf to .hex:

./blinkyApploaderCLI -p APPLICATION_HEX_FILE

Now jump to the start address of the application in Flash memory to run it with 1 sec delay:

./blinkyApploaderCLI -j 0x8010000