Adding data to the visual - Profitbase/PowerBI-visuals-Gantt GitHub Wiki

You add data to the visual by dragging and dropping fields from the Power BI data model onto the different buckets.

Tasks and Hierarchy:

Add task field to display in the first column of the data grid. Adding multiple fields to this bucket will create a hierarchy of grouped tasks.

Start Date:

Field defining the start point of the bar showing in the chart. This field needs to be a date.

End Date:

Field defining the end point of the bar showing in the chart. Without this field, all tasks will just be visualized with a dot on the start date. This field needs to be a date.


Alternative to End date. If your task start at the Start Date, and lasts for 2 weeks, then add the Duration field here, and specify Duration Unit as Weeks". Unit choices range from seconds to years.



Add a field here to display progress as part of the bars in the Chart. Field needs to be a value between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%). image

Planned Start and End Date:

Add fields to these buckets to show when a task was planned to start and end (red bar). Fields needs to be dates



Add fields to show milestones on tasks. Each task might have multiple milestone dates. If so, add multiple fields to this bucket. Milestones will show as a shape on a specific date. Shape can be set in the formatting options.


Milestone details:

Fields added here will be used as either Milestone Label or Milestone ToolTip. Select how you want to display it in the format pane.


Additional Columns:

Fields added here will be shown in the Data Grid next to the column showing Tasks and Hierarchy.

Primary Connect To:

Add fields here to display connector lines. If one task is dependent on another, it will show a line from on task to another. To set this up, the field used in Depend on needs to be a reference to the task it referees to.


Primary Connect Type: Field will specify how the connector line is drawn. Field has to be text, and state one of these types:

StartStart, StartFinish, FinishStart, FinishFinish

Tooltip Fields:

Add the fields you want to display in the Tooltip when hovering over a task in the Chart. If left empty, the default information will show in the Tooltip.

Data Labels:

Add a field to display next to the tasks shown in the Chart. Possible to add multiple fields, that will be separated by a comma in the label.


All buckets:

