Text functions - Profitbase/PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix GitHub Wiki

Text functions

Function Description
t:string) Concatenates a comma separated list of strings CONCAT("a","b","c") will return the string "abc"
SUBSTRING(input : string, start : number[, length : number) Returns a substring of the input string. SUBSTRING("Hello", 1) returns the string "ello". SUBSTRING("Hello", 1,2) returns the string "el".
SPLIT(input : string, delimiter : string) Returns an array of strings that contains the substrings of the input strings that are delimited by the delimiter argument. SPLIT("Hi, everyone", ",") returns ["Hi", "everyone"]
LOWER Converts all characthers in a string to lower case
TOSTRING(value) Converts a value to a string, for example the number 100.123 is converted to the string "100.123"
TOSTRING(value,formatString) Similar to the Excel TEXT-function, converts a value to a string using the specified format. When the value is a number, valid format strings are those supported by the numeraljs formatting library – http://numeraljs.com When the value is a Date, valid format strings are those supported by the momentjs formatting library – http://momentjs.com Example TOSTRING(DATE(2016,1,1), "YYYYMMDD") will returns "20160101"
TRIM(input) Removes leading and trailing whitespace charachters from a string.
UPPER(input) Converts all characthers in a string to upper case
TONUMBER(value) Converts a string to a number. If the string cannot be converted to a number, null is returned.
NEWLINE() Returns the newline character.