Operators - Profitbase/PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix GitHub Wiki

Comparison operators

Operator Description
= Assignment operator. Assigns the value on the right hand side to the variable or cell on the left hand side. Example X = 10; @Amount[ItemID == "A"] = 25.6;
> Greater than operator. Checks if the value on the left side is greater than the value on the right side. Example 20 > 10 returns true. 10 > 20 returns false.
>= Greater than or equal. Checks if the value on the left side is greater than, or equal to the value on the right side.
< Less than operator. Checks if the value on the left side is less than the value on the right side. Example 20 < 10 returns false. 10 < 20 returns true.
<= Less than or equal operator. Checks if the value on the left side is less than, or equal to the value on the right side.
== Equals operator. Checks if the value on the left side is equal to the value on the right side. Example 1 == 1 returns true. 1 == 2 returns false.
!= Not equals operator. Checks if the value on the left side does not equal the value on the right side. Example 1 != 1 returns false. 1 != 2 returns true.

Logical operators

Operator Description
&& Conditional AND operator. Performs a logical AND of its left and right operands. The right operand is only evaluated if the left operand is true.
|| Conditional OR operator. Performs a logical OR of its left and right operands. The right operand is only evaluated if the left operand is false.

Arithmetic operators

Operator Description
+ Binary operator + for numeric types sums the operands. Binary operator + also concatenates strings if one of the operands is a string. You can also use the CONCAT function to concatenate strings. Example 1 + 2 returns 3.
- Binary operator – subtract the second operand from the first. Example 2 – 1 returns 1
* The multiplication operator computes the product of its operands. Example 2 * 2 returns 4
/ The division operator divides its first operand by its second operand Example 2 / 2 returns 1.
% The modulus operator computes the remainder after dividing its first operand by its second operand. Example 10 % 2 returns 0

Primary Operators

Operator Description
. (x.y) Member access. Example "xyx".substring(…)
X?.y Null conditional member access. Returns null if the left hand operand is null. Example X = null; Y = X?.substring(…)

Unary operators

Operator Description
+ (+x) Returns the value of the operand
- (-x) Numeric negation Example Y = -X;
! (!x) Logical negation Example X = !true; (X becomes false)

Other binary operators

Operator Description
?? Null coalescing operator. The ?? operator checks whether the value provided on the left side of the expression is null, and if so it returns an alternate value indicated by the right side of the expression.  If the value provided on the left side of the expression isn't null, then it returns the original value Example: null ?? "Hello" returns the string Hello. 0 ?? "Hello" returns 0