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Location of important config files

  • X11: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  • sudoers: /etc/sudoers
  • fstab: /etc/fstab
  • Terminator: ~/.config/terminator/config
  • GRUB2: /etc/default/grub
  • pacman: /etc/pacman.conf
  • micro settings: ~/.config/micro/settings.json
  • micro key bindings: ~/.config/micro/bindings.json
  • librewolf: /usr/lib/librewolf/librewolf.cfg
  • LightDM: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Find all files with extension "png" recursively from here:

find -name '*.png'

Find all files with extension "tmp" recursively from here and deletes it:

find -name '*.tmp' -delete

Count number of lines from an output:

less filename.ext|wc -l

Show all files ordered by size descending:

du -k * | sort -nr | cut -f2 | xargs -d '\n' du -sh | less

Get the top 10 largest files ordered by size descending, starting from the current folder, recursively:

find . -printf '%s %p\n'| sort -nr | head -10

Find 10 largest folders:

du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -10

Show summary info size and name of certain directory:

du -hs dir_name

Show size and name of certain directory and all subdirectories:

du -h dir_name

Extract the first 85 lines from a file:

head -85 file.txt

Extract lines 40-50 from a file, first using head to get the first 50 lines then tail to get the last 10:

head -50 file.txt | tail -10

List the 5 largest subdirectories in the current directory:

du -hs */ | sort | head -n 5

Get the top 10 used commands (read out of the shell-history):

history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -5

Search case insensitively for multiple strings in output lines:

pacman -Q|grep -i "zsh\|youtube"

Alternative: Search case insensitively for multiple strings in output lines; "egrip" needs no masking of charachters with backslash:

pacman -Q|egrep -i "zsh|youtube"

Query graphics card:

lspci -nnk | grep -i VGA -A2

Query sound card:

lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2

Query general system info:

inxi -Fx

Play the audio track of a YT-Video:

function ytp() { mpv --ytdl-format=bestaudio ytdl://ytsearch:"$*"; }

Extract audio track from a YT-Video and store as mp3:

function yte() { yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 "ytsearch: $1" }

Convert wmv video to mp4 video:

ffmpeg -i inputfile.wmv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 outputfile.mp4

Extract audio stream as mp3 from m4a:

ffmpeg -i input.m4a -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 4 output.mp3

Convert all jpg files from current directory to png:

for i in *.jpg; do convert "${i}" "$(basename ${i}).png"; done

Convert all FLAC-files from current directory to mp3:

for file in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i $file -q:a 0 ${file:r}.mp3; done

Query my external IP address:

curl https://ifconfig.me

Show all installed services:

systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled --no-pager

Show the services which failed:

systemctl list-units --failed

Show durations of services in a hierarchical tree view for current user:

systemctl status user@1000

Create symbolic link:

ln -s /run/media/Temp/ownCloud/ my_onwcloud/

Change owner:

sudo chown -R root:root ./Ambiant-MATE/

Show boot messages:

sudo dmesg --color=always | less -R

Show messages from last boot:

journalctl -b

Show messages from previous boot:

journalctl -b -1

Add user to sudoers-group:

  1. sudoedit /etc/sudoers

  2. Scroll down to the end of the file and add the following line: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

How to access a Fritz!NAS:

  1. Install following packages: samba, cifs-utils

  2. In Dolphin: access following address: smb://[email protected]/FRITZ.NAS

Open a file or URL in the user's preferred application:

xdg-open - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application!

Manjaro Update mirrors on download errors (404):

sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syyu

Enable OpenGL in LibreWolf config:

  1. sudoedit /usr/lib/librewolf/librewolf.cfg

  2. "To enable it, comment out the section placed in line 1430 to 1444 of the file."


Check if current session runs on Wayland:


Show all installed services:

systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled --no-pager

Restart network service:

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

Reboot system:

systemctl reboot

Shutdown system:

systemctl poweroff

Hibernate system:

systemctl hibernate

Check system performance as summary on boot:


Check system performance with details on boot:

systemd-analyze blame

Pacman: show all installed packages on the system:

pacman -Q

Pacman: Search package in remote repository:

pacman -Ss packagename

To create a Zip archive of a directory you would use (includes hidden files):

zip -r archivename.zip directory_name

look into zip without extracting:

zip -sf archivename.zip

tar.bz2 extracting:

tar -xjf filename

tar.gz extracting:

tar -xf filename.tar.gz

zip extracting to current folder:

unzip filename.zip

zip extracting to specific folder:

unzip filename.zip -d targetdir

tgz extracting:

tar xzvf filename.tgz

Convert .flac to .mp3 (lossless):

for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -aq 1 "${f%flac}mp3"; done

Convert .flac to .mp3, compress to ~ 120k:

for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -aq 5 "${f%flac}mp3"; done

Convert .flac to mp3, compress to ~ 128k:

for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -b:a 128k "${f%flac}mp3"; done

Convert .flac to mp3, compress to variable 190k:

for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -aq 2 "${f%flac}mp3"; done

Compress .mp3 files with lame to constant 128k:

for i in *.mp3; do lame --preset 128 "$i" "${i}.mp3"; done

Compress .mp3 to variable 190k (constant quality):

for i in *.mp3; do lame -V2 "$i"; done

Compress .mp3 to variable 190k bitrate and replace files:

for i in *.mp3; do lame -V2 "$i" tmp && mv tmp "$i"; done

Remove all square brackets an the info in between from all filenames in current directory: (e.g. Carvar & Clock - Tipping Point [Free Download] [ENmR6CCVL2g].mp3-> Carvar & Clock - Tipping Point .mp3)

find . -depth -name "*[*" -execdir sh -c 'mv "$0" "$(echo "$0" | sed "s/\[^](/ProfP30/Bash-Foo/wiki/^)*\]//g")"' {} \;