Multiphysics Induction Heating - ProductGuy2/Multiphysics-welding-examples GitHub Wiki
This example demonstrate the use of Antisymmetric plane, Symmetric plane, Cyclic Symmetric and Phase transformation capabilities to analyze the Induction heat treatment of a gear wheel.
If the model falls under (Anti)symmetric plane condition or Cyclic symmetric criteria, models size can be reduced to a great extent which leads to easy model setup, better control over model during pre and post analysis, significant reduction in the solution time and memory requirement. The possible model size reduction allows the user to study the model in more detail, since finer meshes can be used. In this chapter, the heat treatment of a complete gear wheel model has been simplified using two methods mentioned below. Induction heating is used to heat up the gear wheel which is then followed by a quenching process. The quenching of the gear wheel leads to a thermally induced transformation of Austenite to Martensite. This is an important metallurgical process which leads to better material properties in areas where the phase transformation occurs, but it also introduces various residual stresses inside the gear wheel, and thus alter their mechanical properties. Antisymmetry and symmetry conditions are applied to model only half of one tooth section of the gear wheel. Cyclic symmetry and symmetry conditions are applied to model only half of one tooth section of the gear wheel.
see gear_cyclic.proc in the repo