Possible Research - Prodigy-Hacking/ProdigyMathGameHacking GitHub Wiki

You can help us by researching these codes

  • _.network.open.alert("Hello World!") Makes a textbox. Not sure what we can use it for.

  • _.instance.game.state.states.Boot._gameData.prefab stores a list of all the prefabs that are available. Maybe we can make our own UI, or modify existing UI....`

  • _.instance.prodigy.network.adminLogin Admin login, investigate with great interest. UDPATE: It's a feature that allows districts more access to education features or something. I don't believe it's very helpful. --DaChickenKing

  • QI Holds QuestionInterface, maybe we can use it to bypass questions???

  • _.instance.prodigy.player.house Known to have house data, but not all functions have been explored.

  • _.network Has network data leading to the server, most things lead to here to affect the server and your data.