C++ style - PrincetonUniversity/athena-public-version GitHub Wiki

General C++ style guidelines

The majority of the Athena++ source code consists of about 63,000 lines of C++ (as of 6/11/18). The most important guidelines to follow when editing or adding to this codebase are:

  • All code should conform to the C++11 standard, and it must compile with g++, icpc, and clang++ without warnings (sets of warning flags defined for each compiler in tst/ci/set_warning_cflag.sh). Avoid all language extensions.

  • All code must be thoroughly commented. Use // (new/C++ style) (not /* ... */ old/C style) for comments. All .cpp files must begin with license boilerplate (as found in, e.g., main.cpp).

  • Indent by 2 space characters, limit maximum line length to 90 characters, and do not use tabs for indenting.

  • Use a 1 space indent for public:, private:, protected: class access specifiers in class definitions.

  • Wrap long lines (arithmetic expressions, function declarations, function calls, conditionals, etc.) as follows:

    • If you are breaking the line "in the middle" of the RHS expression of the =, function argument/parameter list, etc., then align subsequent lines with the first argument / opening parenthesis.
    • Or, break immediately after = or opening parenthesis, and start a new line with a +4 space indent (aligning subsequent lines with this +4 space indent).
    • See Google C++ Style Guide sections on Function Calls and Function Declarations and Definitions for more details and examples.
  • Strongly avoid use of C++ macros to define inline functions. Avoid use of #ifdef...#endif blocks if at all possible.

  • Use header (.hpp) files to define classes and function prototypes. Function implementation should be in corresponding source code (.cpp) file. Exceptions may be necessary (e.g. athena_array.hpp).

  • File names: all lower case, words separated by underscore, e.g. parameter_input.cpp

  • Type names (classes, structs, typedefs, enums, ...) (PascalCase): capitalize each word and avoid use of underscores, e.g. InputParameters

  • Use fixed-/precise-width integer types (available since C++11) when 16-bit (std::int16_t, std::int16_t) or 64-bit (std::uint64_t, std::int64_t) integers are desired. Do not rely upon the compiler and architecture-dependent long and long long types. See C++ types for a table summarizing the variable width in bits of these types for several data models (LP32, ILP32, LLP64, LP64).

    • Use ll or LL literal suffix for long long (shorthand for long long int) for signed integer literals that are supposed to be at least 64-bits wide (e.g. for operations involving std::int64_t variables). Unlike long int, long long int is guaranteed to be at least 64 bits in size since the type was specified in the C99 standard. See Wikipedia: C data types
    • Similarly, use ull or ULL literal suffix for unsigned long long int for unsigned integer literals that must be compatible with std::uint64_t variables.
  • Only use unsigned integer types to store and manipulate bit patterns and std::size_t to store the result of the sizeof operator for portability. Do not mixed unsigned integer and signed integer types in arithmetic, since the usual arithmetic conversions implicit rules may lead to challenging bugs.

  • Do not define implicit conversions. Use explicit type conversions, especially from int64_t to (possibly) lower-precision int types. Note: only use these unsafe "narrowing" conversions when it is unavoidable, e.g. converting std::size_t unsigned integer type to signed int for MPI library calls.

  • Function names (PascalCase): treat like type names; use capitals for each word and avoid underscores, e.g. MyFunction.

  • Variable names (snake_case): all lower case, words separated by underscore, e.g. iso_csound.

  • Performance and clarity are the top priorities, with performance being the most important. No feature of C++ shall be used that sacrifices performance compared to an implementation in C. If clarity must be sacrificed for performance, the corresponding code segments must be thoroughly commented.

  • Don't rely on external libraries (not even Boost, Blitz++, or I/O libraries), except when absolutely necessary (e.g. OpenMP, MPI, FFTW, HDF5).

  • For each file, include only the C++ Standard Library headers that are direct dependencies for the contents of that file. For the C Standard Library subset of the library, include the equivalent C++ Standard Library name, e.g. #include <cstring> not the deprecated #include <string.h>. In accordance with the ISO C++11 standard, any references to identifiers from these headers should be qualified with the std:: namespace, even though the library implementation may also (and usually does) place the symbols in the global namespace.

    • This rule excludes POSIX C extensions to the ISO C library, which are not in the C++ Standard Library: signal.h, sys/stat.h, unistd.h
  • Use nullptr (available since C++11), not NULL, to avoid rare issues whereby the latter is implicitly converted to an integral type

  • Use override or final virtual specifier (both available since C++11) in class member function declarations when overriding a virtual function from a base class.

  • Don't use if and else if without an else clause if it initializes a variable, even if the else branch is guaranteed to never execute at the time of writing. Such usages may cause bugs in the future when the guarantee is broken; they are typically caught by the -Wsometimes-uninitialized (Clang) or -Wmaybe-uninitialized (GCC) compiler warning flags.

Athena++ API-specific recommendations:

  • Use il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku for local limits for loops along the x1, x2, x3 indices, respectively, to avoid confusion with the is, ie, js, je, ks, ke members of each MeshBlock class instance. The latter set of indices refer to the lower and upper boundaries of the real (non-ghost) zones in each direction. The former set of indices may extend into the ghost zones depending on the particular computation or stencil.

Google C++ Style Guide

For topics not specified in this guide, follow the recommendations of the Google C++ Style Guide. In addition to the above guidelines, the following list contains some of the rules enforced in Athena++, organized by their Cpplint error category/code and severity level 1-5:

  • [build/]
    • Use the following header include order: C headers, C++ headers, then project headers (exclude OpenMP, MPI, FFTW headers from this rule) [build/include_order] [4]
    • Alphabetizing header include statements within their category (C, C++, project headers) is required [build/include_alpha] [4]
    • All header files should have #define guards to prevent multiple inclusion. The format of the symbol name should be <PROJECT>_<PATH>_<FILE>_HPP_. To guarantee uniqueness, they should be based on the full path in a project's source tree. And, the #endif line should be #endif //<PROJECT>_<PATH>_<FILE>_HPP_ [build/header_guard] [5]
    • Do not use namespace using-directives. Use using-declarations instead. [build/namespaces] [5]
    • "Include what you use", e.g. always have #include <cmath> in the file if you are using std::sqrt(), or #include <string> for string type [build/include_what_you_use] [4]
  • [legal/]
    • You should have a line: "Copyright..." [legal/copyright] [5]
  • [readability/]
    • You don't need a ; after a } [readability/braces] [4]
    • If an else has a brace on one side, it should have it on both [readability/braces] [5]
    • Use C++-style casts like static_cast<float>(double_value); do not use C-style cast formats like int y = (int)x [readability/casting] [4]
  • [runtime/]
    • Use explicit keyword for one-parameter class constructors, so that they aren't confused with implicit conversions. [runtime/explicit] [5]
    • Never use sprintf. Use snprintf instead. [runtime/printf] [5] (Note, the latter is safer if the destination buffer is too small)
    • Static/global string variables are not permitted. [runtime/string] [4]
  • [whitespace/]
    • { should almost always be at the end of the previous line [whitespace/braces] [4]
    • Use space before else keyword [whitespace/braces] [5]
    • If/else bodies with multiple statements require braces [whitespace/braces] [5]
    • Use space before and after inline comment starting characters //, and at least two spaces is best between code and comments [whitespace/comments] [4, 2]
    • No trailing whitespace allowed [whitespace/end_of_line] [4]
    • Else clause should never be on same line as else keyword [whitespace/newline] [4]
    • Redundant blank line at the start (or end) of a code block should be deleted [whitespace/blank_line] [2 (or 3)]
    • No extra space before last semicolon on the line [whitespace/semicolon] [5]

The following examples from Google Style Guide are used to illustrate the proper use of curly braces, and horizontal and vertical whitespace around conditionals:

if (condition) { }  // Good - proper space after IF and before {.

if (condition) {  // no spaces inside parentheses
  ...  // 2 space indent.
} else if (...) {  // The else goes on the same line as the closing brace.
} else {

Do not use:

if(condition) {  } // Bad - space missing after IF.
if (condition){  } // Bad - space missing before {.
if(condition){  }   // Doubly bad.

// Not allowed - IF statement on one line when there is an ELSE clause
if (x) DoThis();
else DoThat();

// Not allowed - curly on IF but not ELSE
if (condition) {
} else

// Not allowed - curly on ELSE but not IF
if (condition)
else {

if (condition) // Bad-- { should always be at the end of the previous line

Paraphrasing Google's guide,

The benefit of a style rule must be large enough to justify asking everyone to remember it.

In that spirit, the following are some of the Google C++ Style Guide rules that are explicitly suppressed/ignored:

  • Use space after "," such as f(i, j) not f(i,j) [whitespace/commas]
  • Use space after "=" unless in if-statement, for-statement, etc., e.g. a = 2; not a=2; [whitespace/operators] (For readability, using whitespace around most operators is recommended)
  • All parameters passed by reference must be labeled const. [runtime/references]
  • Small and focused functions are preferred [readability/fn_size]
    • This error is ignored only because of the developer effort necessary to correct these violations; reducing the size of these functions is a high priority.
    • As of writing, there are 4x functions that exceed this error's relative length threshold.
    • As of writing, Athena++ contains 10x files with over 1000 lines of code.

For the most up to date C++ style rules for Athena++, refer to the CPPLINT.cfg file in the root project directory.

Last updated 1/22/19.

Checking C++ style

The Continuous Integration (CI) setup automatically checks changes to master to ensure that the style of C++ files remains consistent. Before executing the Regression Testing suite to validate the correctness of the solver, the testing pipeline uses cpplint.py, an open source script developed by Google to identify style errors. The script is distributed on GitHub, and a copy of this script is stored in the Athena++ repository's tst/style/ directory for convenience.

While cpplint.py accepts a variety of option flags at the command line, it also automatically searches the current, parent, and child directories for files named CPPLINT.cfg that contain configuration options for the style linter. One such file is version controlled in the Athena++ root directory and is primarily used to encode the filters for suppressing/ignoring style rules; any CPPLINT.cfg in subdirectories will override these project settings for the nested folder's contents.

A similar setup is used to check Python Style in the CI framework.

The cpplint_athena.sh Bash script, also stored in the tst/style/ directory, automatically pipes the appropriate C++ files in src/ to both cpplint.py and additional style checks created specifically for Athena++ source code management, including:

  • All std::sqrt() and std::cbrt() function calls reside in the std::, not global, namespace
  • No tab characters are used

Note, cpplint_athena.sh skips files in src/fft/plimpton/, containing Plimpton's library source code packaged with Athena++ for parallel FFT capabilities.

Users are encouraged to use the linter wrapper script to check their modifications for any C++ style violations before sharing their local changes. The script must be invoked from the directory in which it resides:

cd tst/style/

Special comments can be added to the end of any line in the .cpp, .hpp files:

// NOLINT(rule)

to ignore all style rules or just the selected rule category, respectively, when linting that particular line.

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