Further improvement - PrincekinNicholas/PacMan-AI-Planning GitHub Wiki

Attacker to be another defender

Block the Key Entrance
If our score is currently higher than opponent's score, we can use this strategy to block them to eat the foods that we are defending. However, it is not suitable every time. Because we have to promise that the foods that we are defending are in our protecting area, as shown in these figures below. Even there are several foods outside of our protecting area, if the opponent's score plus these foods are still smaller than our score, that is ok.

Block the key Entrance 1 block
Block the key Entrance 2 block2

cooperate defeding

Cooperate defending
Our attacker will back to our side to help defender to defense opponent's pacman together, in some situation. Additionally, our agents should choose different path to defending, as shown in the figure below. For example, when opponent's pacman going to a road where he can do no more than three legal actions, such as "North", "Stop", "South", one of our agent will chase the opponent's pacman from North and another agent will chase the opponent's pacman from South.
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