Commands and Permissions - Preston159/Fundamentals GitHub Wiki

Version Added Command Name Usage Permission Node Default Permission State Aliases Description
pre-b1.1.0 top /top FALSE Teleport to the topmost block at your current x/z position
pre-b1.1.0 killall /killall <entity_type> fundamentals.kilall FALSE butcher Kill all of a specified entity
pre-b1.1.0 gamemode /gamemode fundamentals.gamemode FALSE gm Change your gamemode
pre-b1.1.0 /gamemode fundamentals.gamemode.others FALSE gm Change another player's gamemode
pre-b1.1.0 speed /speed fundamentals.speed FALSE Change your speed (fly if flying, walk if walking)
pre-b1.1.0 /speed <fly/walk> fundamentals.speed FALSE Change your fly/walk speed
pre-b1.1.0 /speed <fly/walk> fundamentals.speed.others FALSE Change another player's fly/walk speed
pre-b1.1.0 tp /tp FALSE Teleport to the specfied player
pre-b1.1.0 /tp FALSE Teleport one player to another
pre-b1.1.0 tppos /tppos fundamentals.tppos FALSE Teleport to the specified x/y/z coordinates
pre-b1.1.0 doas /doas [args] fundamentals.doas FALSE sudo, runas Run a command as another player
pre-b1.1.0 hat /hat fundamentals.hat TRUE Put the block in your hand on your head
pre-b1.1.0 trash /trash fundamentals.trash TRUE garbage, rubbish Open your portable rubbish bin
pre-b1.1.0 enchant /enchant fundamentals.enchant FALSE ec Enchant the item in your hand
pre-b1.1.0 powertool /powertool [args] fundamentals.powertool FALSE pt Set a powertool on the item in your hand
pre-b1.1.0 /powertool fundamentals.powertool FALSE pt Remove a powertool from the item in your hand
pre-b1.1.0 pttoggle /pttoggle fundamentals.pttoggle FALSE ptt Toggle your powertools on/off
pre-b1.1.0 socialspy /socialspy fundamentals.socialspy FALSE ss Toggle the ability to see others' private messages on/off
pre-b1.1.0 tptoggle /tptoggle fundamentals.tptoggle FALSE tpt Toggle teleportation on/off
pre-b1.1.0 tpoverride /tpoverride fundamentals.tpoverride FALSE tpo Teleport to another player even if teleportation is disabled
pre-b1.1.0 /tpoverride fundamentals.tpoverride.others FALSE tpo Teleport one player to another even if teleportation is disabled
pre-b1.1.0 tell /tell fundamentals.tell TRUE msg Send a private message
pre-b1.1.0 god /god fundamentals.god FALSE Enable god mode
pre-b1.1.0 /god fundamentals.god.others FALSE Enable god mode for another player
pre-b1.1.0 heal /heal fundamentals.heal FALSE Heal yourself
pre-b1.1.0 /heal fundamentals.heal.others FALSE Heal another player
pre-b1.1.0 feed /feed fundamentals.feed FALSE Feed yourself
pre-b1.1.0 /feed fundamentals.feed.others FALSE Feed another player
pre-b1.1.0 tpa /tpa fundamentals.tpa TRUE Send a teleport request to the specified player (you -> them)
pre-b1.1.0 tpahere /tpahere fundamentals.tpahere TRUE Send a teleport request to the specified player (them -> you)
pre-b1.1.0 tpaccept /tpaccept fundamentals.tpaccept TRUE Accept a teleport request
pre-b1.1.0 tpdeny /tpdeny fundamentals.tpdeny TRUE Deny a teleport request
pre-b1.1.0 warp /warp fundamentals.warp TRUE warps List the available warps
pre-b1.1.0 /warp fundamentals.warp TRUE warps Teleport yourself to the specified warp
pre-b1.1.0 /warp fundamentals.warp.others FALSE warps Teleport another player to the specified warp
pre-b1.1.0 setwarp /setwarp fundamentals.setwarp FALSE Set a warp at your current location
pre-b1.1.0 delwarp /delwarp fundamentals.delwarp FALSE Delete the specified warp
pre-b1.1.0 spawn /spawn fundamentals.spawn TRUE Teleport yourself to spawn
pre-b1.1.0 /spawn fundamentals.spawn.others FALSE Teleport the specified player to spawn
pre-b1.1.0 setspawn /setspawn fundamentals.setspawn FALSE Set the spawn at your current location
pre-b1.1.0 home /home fundamentals.home TRUE Teleport yourself home
pre-b1.1.0 sethome /sethome fundamentals.sethome TRUE Set your home at your current location
pre-b1.1.0 back /back fundamentals.back FALSE Teleport back to your previous location (pre-teleport/pre-death)
pre-b1.1.0 prefix /prefix fundamentals.prefix FALSE pre Set a player's prefix
pre-b1.1.0 /prefix _ fundamentals.prefix FALSE pre Remove a player's prefix
pre-b1.1.0 suffix /suffix fundamentals.suffix FALSE suf Set a player's suffix
pre-b1.1.0 /suffix _ fundamentals.suffix FALSE suf Remove a player's suffix
pre-b1.1.0 nickname /nickname fundamentals.nickname FALSE nick Set a player's nickname
pre-b1.1.0 /nickname _ fundamentals.nickname FALSE nick Remove a player's nickname
pre-b1.1.0 commchest /commchest fundamentals.commchest TRUE Open the community chest
pre-b1.1.0 cmdalias /cmdalias fundamentals.cmdalias TRUE Set a command alias for yourself
pre-b1.1.0 motd /motd fundamentals.motd TRUE Show the message of the day
pre-b1.1.0 motd /motd fundamentals.motd.others FALSE Show another player the message of the day
pre-b1.1.0 report /report n/a TRUE Show the create ticket URL
b1.1.0 economy /economy <give/take/set> fundamentals.economy FALSE eco Edit the economy with full access
b1.1.0 pay /pay TRUE Pay another player
b1.1.0 balance /balance fundamentals.balance TRUE bal, money, mon Check your balance
b1.1.0 balance /balance fundamentals.balance.others FALSE bal, money, mon Check another player's balance
b1.1.0 protect /protect fundamentals.protect FALSE Protect an unprotected container or add users to an already-protected container
b1.1.0 unprotect /unprotect fundamentals.unprotect FALSE Unprotect a container you own
b1.1.0 unprotect /unprotect fundamentals.unprotect.others FALSE Unprotect another player's container
b1.1.0 afk /afk fundamentals.afk TRUE Toggle your AFK status
b1.1.0 pmtoggle /pmtoggle fundamentals.pmtoggle TRUE pmt Toggle the ability for other players to send you PM's
b1.1.0 sarcasm /sarcasm fundamentals.sarcasm TRUE s Send a sarcastic message
b1.1.0 ping /ping TRUE Check your connection to the server
list /list fundamentals.list TRUE players, online List the currently-online players
b1.1.0 n/a n/a fundamentals.notpdelay FALSE Bypass the teleportation delay set in config
b1.1.0 n/a n/a FALSE Allow a player to use colors in chat
b1.1.0 n/a n/a fundamentals.signs.color FALSE Allow a player to use colors on their signs
b1.1.0 n/a n/a fundamentals.signs.create. FALSE Allow a player to create a sign of
b1.1.0 n/a n/a fundamentals.signs.use. FALSE Allow a player to use a sign of
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