API Endpoints - Prescrypto/RexChain GitHub Wiki
Here you can find our Rexchain Api endpoints documentation, feel free to test any endpoint, all of them are public besides you could download our postman collection here
Besides of create a transaction, just save the hash_id and you could use it to look for details as follow:
# URL: /api/v1/rx-endpoint/<hash_id>/
"data": {
// A key with encrypted value
"somekey": "2c43388432c93....",
// A key with raw value
"location": "N/A",
// Optional to add your own timestamp
"timestamp": "2019-06-24T17:37:50.132243+00:00"
"signature": "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",
"previous_hash": "0",
"hash_id": "6b300b2b3c126ede90a214206d42da1d1ae69790c76496bb530e60ea0890015b",
"is_valid": true,
"transaction": 2472,
"readable": true,
"public_key": "2d2d2d2d2d424547494e205055424c49432....",
A brief explanation of the response fields
Param | Type | Description |
data | object | A json object, in order to decrypt the encrypted fields you need to use the private key! |
signature | string | The signature in base64 format of the data with the private key made by the client |
previous_hash | string | If the transaction has a previous transfer transaction |
hash_id | string | The hash ID of the transaction |
is_valid | boolean | If the signature is valid, we check this with the public key and data dictionary |
transaction | int | An internal ID for transaction |
readable | boolean | Refer to the bitcoin spent value, if the owner of the transaction has the rights, otherwise was transfer |
public_key | string | A hexadecimal string representation of the public key |
You can navigate through our transactions just with GET requests to our api, please following the next examples:
# URL: /api/v1/rx-endpoint/
The "count", "next", "previous" fields are for the paginator, the results are in the key "results" as follow:
"count": 93681,
"next": "https://www.rexchain.io/api/v1/rx-endpoint/?limit=15&offset=15",
"previous": null,
"results": [
// Beging the list
"data": {
"location": "N/A",
"diagnosis": "32c4d05329d02...",
"timestamp": "2019-09-30T14:12:35.935280+00:00",
"medic_name": "3effefd5fd2f408a0481e24fe...",
"medications": [
"instructions": "OJO IZQUIERDO\r\nAplicar 1 gota cada\r\n4 horas por 3 días. \r\n6 horas por 3 días. \r\n8 horas por 3 días. \r\n12 horas por 3 días.\r\ny suspender.",
"presentation": "Prednefrin SF (Prednisolona 1%, 5ml)"
"instructions": "Aplicar 1 gota cada 4 horas en ojo izquierdo por 5 días.",
"presentation": "Trazil Ofteno (Tobramicina 0.3%, 15ml)"
"patient_age": "1aa9713e9c6...",
"medic_cedula": "2610d603981eeb7...",
"patient_name": "1b465d58cd7fa7d0...",
"medic_hospital": "N/A"
"signature": "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",
"previous_hash": "0",
"hash_id": "949a012cae798e0e1eb20cf8685e402d18b3110a3695a1f191944443be8e8cf5",
"is_valid": true,
"transaction": 93893,
"readable": true,
"public_key": "2d2d2d2d2d4245474..."
You can navigate through our blocks just with GET requests to our api, please following the next examples:
# URL: /api/v1/block/
The "count", "next", "previous" fields are for the paginator, the results are in the key "results" as follow:
"count": 363,
"next": "https://www.rexchain.io/api/v1/block/?limit=15&offset=15",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 491,
"hash_block": "6d9bfc7a4f0f351c31a2d35162cb54ccfb4ac94bbcda9f7c8f5d220bc92e22a7",
"previous_hash": "b75d882ca08f5cf8d8094b423d7004e9d8095f36afd306d6796aed17c5c01c7d",
"raw_size": 159504,
"data": {
"hashes": [
"timestamp": "2019-09-25T01:09:41.691024Z",
"merkleroot": "448f689409b120e7ba43a69fbed13bdee3a416aa083da36dd1dcf6a5cdcc72f7",
"hashcash": "Prescrypto1.1*8*9.24.2019.16.54.51*RexChain*HxAXIAoa*122",
"nonce": "290"
A brief explanation of the response fields
Param | Type | Description |
id | integer | The internal ID of the block |
hash_block | string | The hash of the block |
previous_hash | string | The hash of the previous block |
data | object | A object with list of transactions who entered in the block |
timestamp | string | The creation block timestamp |
merkleroot | string | The hash of the merkleroot, in order to validate a Transaction belongs to a block |
hashcash | string | The string used to generate the valid hash in Proof of Work |
nonce | string | The integer validator among the hashcash string for Proof of Work |
You can look for transactions made with a specific public key with the following data explained and finally look at the response
A brief explanation of the params:
Param | Type | Description |
public_key | Encode(string) | A base64 public key but using encoding URI without headers nor footers nor line breaks |
Next Update: Instead of public key we are working on bitcoin address filter in order to make this search easier!
# URL: /api/v1/rx-endpoint/?public_key=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA1M3uHLbEEdh9UBYLyHir5JFp%2FRZcKNsRuN%2BKF0DB1Ee6V2zmixljKEIXddkCplLaz%2BwXNa6tSaZ%2BzwqGGI4Zwfi95pXBVg5srL8wsIG4n9pUkEhISLAHnLn6BgEQWWkIBGrb9k0L6WJGd0MKT86XgPXNPKYwPao%2FBSovmCY%2Fk2aF8%2FatMxpD0LM%2BQCvxdgj20jFmLocr5ccDDugMPA34BRJBwaneEyIGx4PMsSIskYlqYDybnNkNn1%2FERxe8pN7Ywy6WWeJFzBgpwf428kMQPiUteGSqMEuabyBpGYa%2B%2F2cgeE%2FEppyLSydKxHVxEp3vtHpkzj2FO0c7d6otlRrjJwIDAQAB
Only return the transactions made by the owner of the public key, "count", "next", "previous" are made for the paginator use cases, the results are in the key "results" as follow:
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"data": {
"location": "N/A",
"diagnosis": "27b592bdc35...",
"timestamp": "2019-09-05T16:46:25.123921+00:00",
"medications": [
"instructions": "aplicar ojo izquierdo \r\nc/6 hrs por 7 días \r\nc/8 hrs por 7 días \r\nc/12 hrs por 7 días y SUSPENDER",
"presentation": "Trazidex Ungena (Tobramicina y Dexametasona, 3.5g)"
"signature": "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",
"previous_hash": "0",
"hash_id": "4ad9cfd7a24197b5e3cd48dd64a1deaa9b784164b121ac1705644a0d5ab0da4d",
"is_valid": true,
"transaction": 2430,
"readable": true,
"public_key": "2d2d2d2d2d424547494e205055424c4..."
A brief explanation of the params:
Param | Type | Description |
data | object | A json object, in order to decrypt the encrypted fields you need to use the private key! |
signature | string | The signature in base64 format of the data with the private key made by the client |
previous_hash | string | If the transaction has a previous transfer transaction |
hash_id | string | The hash ID of the transaction |
is_valid | boolean | If the signature is valid, we check this with the public key and data dictionary |
transaction | int | An internal ID for transaction |
readable | boolean | Refer to the bitcoin spent value, if the owner of the transaction has the rights, otherwise was transfer |
public_key | string | A hexadecimal string representation of the public key |
You can ask for a bitcoin address, in order to share your account instead of the public key!
NOTE: We use this address in the QR in order to save heavy QR images.
A brief explanation of the params:
Param | Type | Description |
public_key | Encode(string) | A base64 public key but using encoding URI without headers nor footers nor line breaks |
Next Update: Instead of public key we are working on bitcoin address filter in order to make this search easier!
# URL: /api/v1/address/?public_key=MIIBoTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAY4AMIIBiQKCAYBs5HruK3qVe3I2ZrSkYlwjcEZ9X7oTJkYu2SdTzVEifBUVfIrF8W7K01S9XZp0ywscjZg7a0mV9BQ5oyfGUt6XQa4QqNUHZdl%2BcXwhP21RlAn4HgZksJIuJfrYriu70RBcPPVHqNefX%2Bmx2NEofdToG40hW38WAIGPoTLKINagRPWA%2BV4Wpb0Veq3OojMI%2F%2FWP3KCh2TpeLHh0iKeh75UeRJPjIYNnCxy%2Fd0eqlEHKBagM5uTChAgui%2FWSQ1ScNVTvYKZTRZhz9f%2BvPiZT4ZpCAPZraqDqSe1IV0FvGi3d3OmrKAbNNtOarBw5H%2BRuNJgvsvaGaMr%2FOHUqMPoepK1TtAYCmk9YJYA4TS%2FLi6HB5mH8drtCvBCrlv8JbM7Id6n7%2FyAkRvprJSJiE4nuHQKoB1u%2FILJIApvoM6%2FU6JpGUzmPTvJ5CmUDuFsLmLxkly1TxKjlQJfHMb4tiVNCUvu2vsmurBMmCAJ7UhPNsS%2FTiV8mRdwnSMJs3uMUacXuAzsCAwEAAQ%3D%3D
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"public_key_b64": "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",
"address": "1RhQvyEVccUvcv9nxEiXGQ1bPuho2wG8w",
"is_valid": true,
"pub_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nvsmurBMmCAJ7UhPNsS/TiV8mRdwnSMJs3uMUacXuAzsCAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
A brief explanation of the params:
Param | Type | Description |
address | string | The address for the public key requested |
is_valid | boolean | If the pub key is valid or not |
pub_key | boolean | The public key but in format PEM |
public_key_b64 | string | The one line public key in base64 |