AssessmentQuestions - PresConsUIUC/PSAP GitHub Wiki

Assessment questions reside in a spreadsheet called questionDependencies.xlsx on the G: drive. This is quite a large spreadsheet with a number of tabs, one for each format class, as well as one for formats themselves. Each format and assessment question is on its own row.

When developing a module, the general procedure is to create a new tab in the spreadsheet for each new broad format class, and copy the existing template.

Please don't rearrange the spreadsheet columns, as it will confuse the ingest tool.

Ingesting Spreadsheet Content

Unlike HTMLBundles, spreadsheet content can't be imported more than once. The procedure is to copy the spreadsheet into the application (db/seed_data/questionDependencies.xlsx), and run bundle exec rake psap:seed_assessment_questions. This command will only import content once; formats/questions that already exist in the database will be skipped.

@adolski can make manual isolated tweaks to already-imported questions, but these should be limited and should not be anything that would change the meanings of the questions.


Formats have a format ID (FID), and questions have a question ID (QID), which are used to refer them to each other. (The row number in the spreadsheet is not used.) QIDs and FIDs do not need to be contiguous, but they do need to be unique. In the first phase of the project, the numbering of both started at 1. The next batch of FIDs started at 1000 and QIDs started at 2000.



Formats are stored in a tree structure, which enables the dependent pull-down menus in the assessment form. In the spreadsheet, the tree is expressed using the Format Level columns. Shallower levels of the tree should be listed first.

Collection ID Links

In the assessment form, there are help buttons next to each format pulldown menu. The "FIDG Page" and "FIDG Anchor" columns control where these point to. "FIDG Page" is the name of a Collection ID Guide HTML file, minus the .html extension, and "FIDG Anchor" is the name of an anchor (id="something") within it.

Assessment Questions


The available sections are hard-coded into the application. Please use one of the existing section names, and don't invent new ones.

Advanced Help Links

The "AdvHelp-Doc" and "AdvHelp-Anchor" columns work identically to the format Collection ID Guide links (see above).


See Scoring for more information. Questions can have multiple dependent questions, but only one level of dependency is supported (i.e. dependent questions can't have dependent questions of their own).